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  1. QV


    Depends on your perspective ;)
  2. QV

    Quo Vadis - the Guns n' Roses of DeathMetal?

    Pretty funny, but you're missing that I almost died twice in the hospital in 2011, spent weeks in oncology hooked up to 6 IVs at the same time. Could be a minor reason why was concerned a bit less with recording and shows. Other then that, I don't think AXL wrote the music but all in all pretty...
  3. QV

    Quo Vadis is a thing of the past.

    Dude, the new QV it'll be out when I'm ready. What I can tell you is that I'm working on music every day, hours a day, no days off. Everything will fall into place when I'm done. On another note, I'm also involved in another project which is a complete departure from metal and the news on that...
  4. QV

    Quo Vadis is a thing of the past.

    Guys I was really sick for most of last year, been in the hospital spending weeks at a time with up to 4 IVs in my arms at the same time, once I even woke up in a different hospital then I lost consciousness in. On the positive side my treatments finished and since October I've been getting...
  5. QV

    Death's human remastered

    Wanna hear this too... we mixed an album at Morrisound in 2004... Jim Morris did a great job for us, to bad they got broken into recently.
  6. QV

    busy mix/fretless/double bass content

    I rarely post here even though I try to follow the forum whenever I can... Some great insights here! I was just curious about your thoughts on this mix: Cheers! -b
  7. QV

    My music has been stolen, WTF do I do?

    too many riffs, not enough time ;)
  8. QV

    My music has been stolen, WTF do I do?

    Just a tangent but in order for SOCAN to do anything the "works" have to be registered with them (Credits, Recordings, Hardcopy per "work"). Also they will not protect musicians just follow and report revenue generating plays (Radio, TV, Live performances etc) and then collect the royalties on...
  9. QV


    no news is good news...
  10. QV

    Forever Reedition ?

    If you're talking about Obitus then thanks ;) :muahaha:
  11. QV

    Guitar Tone Competition IV: Sign Up

  12. QV

    Forever Reedition ?

    All of shores.... I think the other guitarist has the high pitch line in there during the "let it happen" riff... I also played bass on the songs I was singing on - notice the bass sound is different on a few of the tracks since I used a rickenbacker instead of the stingray that was on the...
  13. QV

    New QV Song Out: Obitus

    hey, it's actually "I resign my soul to die..." but like with all QV albums the new one will not disappoint. I think I mixed the vocals too low, I relistened to obitus again recently and guitars are maybe too much up front... I guess that's what happens when you have a guitarist mixing hehe...
  14. QV

    AutoPocket: New Beat Detective clone for Reaper (demo video)

    trying to download the sws extensions both 32 and 64 bit and all i get is 0 byte files... only links working are for sws for reaper 2 which probably won't have AutoPocket ... maybe something is being updated... I'll try tomorrow.
  15. QV

    AutoPocket: New Beat Detective clone for Reaper (demo video)

    shouldn't except it would be cool to verify, I'll try to post something over the next few days.
  16. QV

    AutoPocket: New Beat Detective clone for Reaper (demo video)

    Downloaded Reaper, will give it a try on the next song I'm editing. I remember reading somewhere a long time ago of stemming the overheads (or anything that is phase susceptible) into a surround 5.1 or other non stereo format and editing things this way, I tried it a long time ago and it worked...
  17. QV

    AutoPocket: New Beat Detective clone for Reaper (demo video)

    If the stretch algorithm considers each track individually + is transient aware why wouldn't there be a possibility of it giving different results based on what it interprets as (primary) transient? Wouldn't hihat/snare combination in the hihat track vs the OH track be recognized differently and...
  18. QV

    is the new album still planed for 2010?

    Relief yes, also many other things are finally falling into place as well, this past year and a half was tearing me in so many different directions.