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  1. Sjusovaren

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    I have to jump back on as well after hearing the news via Siobhan. It's a shame for sure and reading these past few pages it sounds like Dave had a really tough hand dealt to him. So young too.
  2. Sjusovaren

    BIG 4 LIVE NOW!!!

    Lolwut? How is a set with Disciple and Black Magic not a surprise? I wasn't expecting those songs at all.
  3. Sjusovaren

    Recent Purchases

    All of that for around 40 quid, I'm mighty pleased. :D
  4. Sjusovaren

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    Dissection - Reinkaos
  5. Sjusovaren

    Recent Purchases

    Sentenced - Amok, Love & Death, Shadows of the Past Arch Enemy - Black Earth Marillion- Brave (DVD) Depeche Mode - Construction Time Again, Exciter, Some Great Reward Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland (CD+DVD) Thin Lizzy - Live Nevermore - Enemies of Reality The Police - Everyone Stares: The...
  6. Sjusovaren

    The Video Game Thread

    I quite like Fable II, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Tekken 6 (though the story mode gobbles cock) and Forza 3.
  7. Sjusovaren

    Triumphant return!

    Evile were just confirmed for the Getaway Rock Festival ( ), improving on an otherwise pretty poor lineup IMO. More importantly, Evile are finally playing in Sweden again which is great. Now I just hope they make it worth the wait. :popcorn:
  8. Sjusovaren

    happy birthday Ol!

    Happy slightly belated mistah Ol! :)
  9. Sjusovaren

    After a long absence.....(tl:dr warning, but I hope you read)

    Fuck you too. (looks around, unsure if Matt'll catch ze reference.)
  10. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    Tuned in! Feels nice to relax with some shmu, a glass of milk and a banana... Just spent the last 2 hours writing and notating a guitar solo over a backing I threw together, I'm exhausted. :lol:
  11. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    Delusions of Grandeur is probably the best song off it.
  12. Sjusovaren

    The Video Game Thread

    :lol::lol::lol: No.
  13. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    You guys have such epic solo sections. :) I've got to dig out The Tie That Binds from wherever I have it.... Just hope I can find it and in working condition. :lol:
  14. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    Cheers! :) Would appreciate one with an awesome solo section, like in Good Day To Die (that one makes me cream myself). :)
  15. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    Could I please get some Exodus? I am very behind on them, I've just heard Tempo of the Damned and some random songs from the Bonded by Blood re-recording.
  16. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    And the thing kept fucking disconnecting, wtf. :lol: As soon as I posted that, it died and it just came back as I was writing this.
  17. Sjusovaren

    The Video Game Thread

    I'm gonna pick up an Xbox 360 with my first paycheck, Tekken 6 and FFXIII, here I come! (Yeah, I've heard that FFXIII apparently sucks but I don't care, I wanna give it a go anyway.)
  18. Sjusovaren

    Got a brand new metal show starting tonight - the Iron Fortress - Please tune in!

    Tuning in I am, even though the left channel is totally distorted. :lol: Had to cover the right earphone under my pillow.