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  1. Hollywould6

    The Guitarist vs Guitarist Game

    Hendrix vs. Wylde
  2. Hollywould6

    Band VS Band Game

    Gorgoroth VS Immortal
  3. Hollywould6


    I agree with that completely.
  4. Hollywould6

    this guys are actually not bad

    LOL. I think you are outnumbered. :p
  5. Hollywould6

    Here,discuss about rock styles

    You tell em' Cliff :kickass:
  6. Hollywould6

    Metal bands game

    1. Black Sabbath 15 2. Iron Maiden 13 3. Judas Priest 12 4. Metallica 10 5. Slayer 12 6. Bathory 13 7. Carcass 11 8. Mayhem 9 9. Darkthrone 7 10. Burzum 7 11. Motorhead 12 12. Death 10 13. Possessed 10 14. Morbid Angel 12 15. Suffocation 11 16. Emperor 11 17. Mercyful...
  7. Hollywould6

    Words In Songs' Names Game

    Soulfly - Bleak
  8. Hollywould6

    The Band Name Game

  9. Hollywould6

    Band VS Band Game

    Trivium vs. Naglfar
  10. Hollywould6

    Alphabet Band Name Game

    Rotting Christ
  11. Hollywould6

    Word Association thread (Dedicate this one to my other forum!)

    menopause is for old ladies that don't bleed. pms is from younger women that still do. :lol:
  12. Hollywould6


    I see what you mean. Try quitting for a day and not being a complete bitch/dick.... it's just not possible :p
  13. Hollywould6

    Old but new member

    Yup, you probably did! :p
  14. Hollywould6

    One Word Game

  15. Hollywould6

    Band VS Band Game

    CHILDREN of BODOM vs. Impaled Nazarene
  16. Hollywould6

    this really grinds my gears (feminists read at your own risk)

    Welcome to a "fixed" and "biased" world. This stuff you mentioned is right up there to me with the "Black negro college fund". What a fucking crock of shit. If we have a "White pride college fund" we'd all be considered racist. Guys in high profile positions make more money than...
  17. Hollywould6

    The when should you stop looking at school girls thread?

    WHen you hit 20 at the latest. that's a bit young if you are older, by then your more experienced, find a real woman. :heh:
  18. Hollywould6

    Body Piercing!!!

    All I have is 9 holes in my ears and 1 navel piercing.... and a tattoo. I'm more of a tattoo person than peircing person anyway. May get my nose pierced when my other 1/2 gets his snake bites, but, not really sure.
  19. Hollywould6


    I'm older than most all of you and have smoked for years and would LOVE to quit. I've cut back and me and my fiance' have been talking about this, but it's very hard once your hooked and the real stress in life comes into play. If you can, stop now so you don't have to stop later or die...