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  1. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween Fans In Here?

    Ha ha, sily question eh? We're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  2. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween fans out there?

    Ha ha, sily question eh? Just wanted to drop you a note to say we're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  3. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween fans out there?

    Ha ha, silly question eh? Just wanted to drop you a note to say we're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  4. Little Linda (2)


    Emilie Autumn - Swallow
  5. Little Linda (2)

    Power Quest sign to Napalm Records!?

    Congratulations guys! Onwards and upwards as they say. LL :)
  6. Little Linda (2)

    What gigs do you have coming up?

    Firefest WASP Alice Cooper Foreigner ... next year ... Helloween (hopefully) Nightwish The Pleasures Emilie Autumn
  7. Little Linda (2)

    Happy birthday evil Steve

    Hope you've had a smashing Birthday Steve. :goggly: erm ... civilised or not ...
  8. Little Linda (2)

    new nightwish singer

    I actually really liked Tarja's voice. Would have liked to have heard something with a bit more fire in it's belly as the first release. Doesn't sound at all like the Nightwish I've come to know and love, however will reserve judgement until the new album is released as this is just one song...
  9. Little Linda (2)


    Excellent news guys, congratulations! ... Bristol! ... BRISTOL!!! ... do I need a passport to travel that far South? :OMG:
  10. Little Linda (2)

    Thunderground anyone?

    Just wondered if anyone was going to the Thunderground Festival in Nottingham? No surprises here, we'll be there! lol. :goggly:
  11. Little Linda (2)

    Power Quest Debut at Ancient Scottish Town

    Cor Dom you got my hopes up there! lol. Thought that was news of some secret gig or something! lol. Still is jolly good news that you've been spinning them at your club night. Sort of thing more folks should do! Cheerio! (:
  12. Little Linda (2)


    TNT - The New Territory
  13. Little Linda (2)

    Roadstar split!

    Tis a sad day indeed, thought those guys had a lot more promise than the breaks they seemed to get. Looking forward to seeing the new band when it's formed.
  14. Little Linda (2)

    Threshold for FF4 ...

    ..."I hope Threshold are going to be doing it.....that would guarantee my appearance" ... Does this mean we'll be seeing you down the front at Day One then Steve? Actually Day One is looking a much more tempting line-up than the main event! ... with the exception of Jorn of course ... but...
  15. Little Linda (2)

    Threshold for FF4 ...

    ... rumours abound that Threshold will be appearing at Firefest 4 ... word from the horses mouth so to speak ... well Nuclear Blast press release saying it's a go ... Hope it's true! :notworthy
  16. Little Linda (2)

    Saxon & Masterplan

    Actually I really like the new album and was rather worried when Mr Lande decided to walk, thought that would be the end of the band for me. But hey the new singer is really really good and not that much different from Mr Lande except perhaps not a intense vocally as he is. Really looking...
  17. Little Linda (2)

    Bloodstock indoor cancelled

    I think it's a great shame that Bloodstock has been cancelled. This was actually going to be the first one we'd attended and purely because PQ were on (ha ha now why does that not surprise you? hee hee). It's always the fans that loose out in the end. Hotels/flights/train tickets ... most...
  18. Little Linda (2)

    Saxon & Masterplan

    We're going to the Manchester gig (:
  19. Little Linda (2)

    New gig review from Paris (in English!)

    :rock: Thanks to our very own Rory we have another review of the Paris gig and you don't even have to translate it cos it's in English. The review can be found here - ... and if you're anything like me it will make you even more green...
  20. Little Linda (2)

    Photos (+ review, but in french) | Elysee Montmartre, Paris | 23.02.07

    Great to hear all the news from the tour. Glad you got home in one piece Rory and look forward to publishing that review. :notworthy POWER QUEST !!!!!! :rock: :goggly: