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  1. D

    any upcoming shows?

    whoa your forum is totally dead what gives? are you doing any shows in the near future? hoping to catch you live soon
  2. D

    MATT to make guest appearance w/ KAMELOT in St. PETE Florida 09/16/06

    Matt!! How did the Kamelot show go? I didn't get to make it but hopefully next time- if there is one! Why didn't RA play this time?
  3. D

    where are you guys?

    has marius been with you since Shocking the Priest or is he new addition?
  4. D

    where are you guys?

    wow, no ones posting here! ? i love the new album. you guys are tremendous creators. Matt is that your voice on the narrators? really like Fall from Grace the best. that's the way to go guys I hope you keep up the dueling vox very nice work.