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  1. D

    Males and Females

    Doing everything she asks would give her all the power in the relationship, and suddenly she doesn't need you. Ok, I know a lot of you on here do online dating. I've done it some, gotten laid from it, makeouts, but I could be doing it better. And by that, I mean getting more messages...
  2. D

    Six Feet Under ‘Undead’ Out May 22, 2012

    The Haunted and Maximum Violence are their best albums, though they've been changing their sound a little since the 13 album. Similar music, but there's a clear timeline in the band since before and after then.
  3. D

    Males and Females

    Last time I went on a POF date the girl was a total bitch. She was fine through texting and on the phone, but when I went to her house after she invited me over(yes, I went to her house first time meet), she was sick with something and in a bad mood. And she didn't want to talk to me and would...
  4. D

    Males and Females

    It's how I got a girlfriend who is now in love with me. I can also date and bang other women too, so win-win.
  5. D

    Males and Females

    I came from a background like yours(not getting laid till I was 22). I just started to ask a lot of girls out. The hint is that girls from your social circle(class, work, whatever) is going to be more likely to fuck you than some stranger on the street. So ask them out too. That's how I got...
  6. D

    Males and Females

    I don't ever orgasm when I fuck. Not be to graphic, but I feel myself contracting like you do when you get closer to cumming, but I haven't been able to do it. Yes, I cum no problem when I jerk off, especially to porn. I still prefer pussy over porn of course. I think all the years of...
  7. D

    Males and Females

    I remember those things, depressing times. Just look for other women and keep in mind that getting emotional over a girl you're not with is not a good thing. Crushes can be rough!
  8. D

    Males and Females

    I got laid again with a different woman last night(I guess you could count this morning too lol). I met her through friends and met her last Sunday and made out with her. And last night, on our 2nd date, I was able to fuck her by making out and pushing the limit on things(ie. rubbing around her...
  9. D

    Black Metal.

    Can someone upload Abigor's Nachthymen album here please?
  10. D

    Males and Females

    If I was looking for a serious relationship, I would never find a woman because they would have to be good enough to make me not want other women and to make my life very good. But, since I'm just looking for non-serious stuff, most women are welcome. I don't really know what I want in a girl...
  11. D

    How to play faster music on guitar like Megadeth without hand fatigue?

    I've started playing faster music pieces and it's hard on my hands to play fast pieces like "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due". How can I get my hands used to playing faster material without running out of steam? I've noticed the same thing with fast downstrums, like in Mudvayne's "Happy?" chorus...
  12. D

    New Social Thread

    Hey. Who here knows how I can upload online video clips from my DVD's? I want to make some short clips for youtube from my The Simpsons DVD collection. I have Windows Movie Maker on my computer.
  13. D

    Males and Females

    I've never tried picking up with a wingman. I'm always solo. You can do it! :lol: What does having a wingman do and teach you? Other than the obvious introduction accomplishment "Yeah, this guy here just levitated over the Niagra Falls"(I know someone here gets that reference. :D).
  14. D

    Males and Females

    I think I should be more abrasive around women like I am with my family. I'm apathetic and feel much more free talking to them than random women. I guess I was approval seeking afterall. :O I have more self-respect now, so if a girl pulls out a phone when I first meet her, or anytime, it's...
  15. D

    Males and Females

    :lol: I thought my grandma was the only one that still used the phrase colored people
  16. D

    Males and Females

    You live in a city with 2 million people, how bad can it be? I'm limited to about a 20K population that contains potential women to mack on(Which means, a lot of the people I mack on cold approach style knows someone I know LOL). I'd love to be in a metro area. Actually, I've read your...
  17. D

    Males and Females

    Hey, no, I never read that blog until today. But I did read a few articles from it and I like it. It's very interesting and brutally honest.
  18. D

    Males and Females

    Haha, a small part of it. Meeting women is such a minuscule part of my life. Actually I slept in late and then had a good breakfast. I played some guitar after watching TV. Then a little later I went to the park and ran a couple miles. After that, I went to the pool hall and shot a couple...
  19. D

    Males and Females

    Thanks for the advice. I wish I had someone that would help guide me through all of this stuff in person. Instead of doing it all on my own. I'll keep this advice in mind for the next approach. Which could be tomorrow. Wal Mart on Saturdays is nice. :)
  20. D

    Males and Females

    Yeah, nothing wrong with small talk, but with that, you have to hook them somehow, otherwise they walk away. Yes, that happened to me today. I just started talking about what my Mom liked in lotions with the girl, but her friend interrupted, and it's hard to take attention away from two people...