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  1. F

    Fall of Empyrean Signs to Grau Records!

    Thanks! Hey, are you in Mourning Beloveth? If so, good to be labelmates!
  2. F

    Fall of Empyrean Signs to Grau Records!

    Not sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but some big news to report: Fall of Empyrean finally has a label! We're proud to announce that we have signed a four-album deal with Germany's Grau Records, home of Mourning Beloveth, Longing for Dawn, Mael Mordha, and others. Our first album with the...
  3. F


    We appreciate the compliments and well wishes! Hopefully before too long here, we'll have some news about the upcoming album.
  4. F


    Wow ... a new post! We're working on it! Still trying to finalize details for getting it released. It's been a long process ...
  5. F

    Free samples

    I never really understood a label or their street team spamming the boards of bands on that label. My guess is that fans of those bands are already pretty familiar with the label.
  6. F

    Which ND album have you listened to the most?

    The Pale Haunt Departure. It's got the best, most complete atmosphere. Everything on that album says "autumn" to me, and I get clear images in my head when listening to that album. In general, albums that generate an encompassing atmosphere are the ones that stick with me the longest.
  7. F

    CANDLEMASS US Tour Rollcall!!!

    Sweet, I hope you guys make it to Arizona. We'd love to share the stage with you! We're all big fans. Well, the ones of us who actually listen to metal.
  8. F

    CANDLEMASS US Tour Rollcall!!!

    Well, we had our show with Candlemass yesterday. Such a poor turnout. There were MAYBE 60 people there at the height of the evening, and Fall of Empyrean personally sold 20 of those. People just have no appreciation of metal in this country. The show itself was fine, except there was no energy...
  9. F

    CANDLEMASS US Tour Rollcall!!!

    My band will be opening for Candlemass on June 3rd in Phoenix, AZ. It will be pretty darn sweet. I actually haven't heard their new album, so not sure how much I'm going to dig them without Messiah.
  10. F

    vehemence's first live gig since reforming!!

    It was something like this, I believe (though the order is wrong): By Her Bedside I Take Your Life (though it seemed like a shortened version) Darkness Is Comfort We Are All Dying Kill for God Made For Her Jesus The Last Fantasy of Christ There Are So Many Reasons To Give Up On Religion And one...
  11. F

    vehemence's first live gig since reforming!!

    No more Landmine Marathon, unfortunately. But still a great lineup! And, of course, we all get to see Vehemence back in action.
  12. F


    John became pretty much the fem-est dude ever. When a guy lists MAC makeup as an interest on his profile and has a photo of a pink lambourgini, that's some solid fem right there.
  13. F

    Recommend other bands with clearly enuciated growlies

    I'm going to go ahead and recommend my own band, Fall of Empyrean. Also, Edge of Sanity was an excellent recommendation, as well as Opeth.
  14. F

    Dead or Alive?

    Bring back Johnny TVL™!!!
  15. F


    Heh wow ... our first message in months. I forgot we had this message board. It might be cool to get some traffic going on it again.
  16. F

    do you like Saturnus, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia? delivers to Europe, I believe. I think Supernal Music (in England) is carrying some copies, though I don't know their website address off the top of my head.
  17. F

    Finally heard AGALLOCH

    I definitely like Ashes Against the Grain the most, as I think it better utilizes all their different influences. However, all three are fantastic. Pale Folklore is a little more straightforward, and The Mantle, to me, is more like one big piece of music.
  18. F

    do you like Saturnus, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia?

    Thanks everyone for the kind comments! Lionfront, I am glad you were able to buy "A Darkness Remembered" and STILL like us! I have a self-loathing relationship with that album, mainly because the recording process was extremely frustrating and the mix/production KILLS the songs, I think. I...
  19. F

    do you like Saturnus, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia?

    That is a good question. I wouldn't mind just burning you a copy and sending it to you, or just e-mailing the mp3s, but I think other members may be a bit more concerned about circulating too much of the material prior to the album's release. Let me talk it over a bit with them.
  20. F

    Living The Metal Life

    Totally off-topic, but there needs to be some kind of West Coast metal thing, for the doomier bands out there. There are a few west coastish bands (us, Agalloch, Asunder, Graves at Sea, Keen of the Crow, etc.) but if a few of the other bigger bands made it out here, that'd be awesome. Everything...