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  1. Adam.G

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    hey Tim, Nicky and Co, i don't know if you remember me. I havn't been around for quite a while.. I'm the Scottish guy :P soo, I hadn't been keeping up to date the last couple months, just found out today the new album is out.. was wondering... what are the chances of an extra special signed...
  2. Adam.G

    I'm selling my Line 6 POD Xt Pro [rackmount]

    dam, i'd love a pod, but i cant afford it unfortunately, plus the shipping would probably be monumental :mad:
  3. Adam.G

    fun little free game

    a nice little free game that you dont even have to do anything to play!!. ---------------- Now playing: Sanctity - Beloved Killer via FoxyTunes
  4. Adam.G

    Completely Unreadable Band Logos!

    what the hell??!!?? :zombie:
  5. Adam.G

    STENCH Studio Diary [latest episode = 8]

    well, you guys certainly know how to talk a load of crap :lol: and ermm...... looks like ive got some ball kissing to do :OMG: pungent feeling on my ears?? lol
  6. Adam.G

    happy new year everyone!!

    mwuahahahaha, it isn't even new year for any of you yet, soo im technically a year ahead of you lot right now :):) all the best for the new year guys!! :kickass:
  7. Adam.G

    merry christmas yeh bunch of fookers :P

    well, im sitting here having just gorged myself on turkey and ham barely able to move :) hope santa was good to you all, and have a good day (or whats left of it atleast) everybody. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D :D ---------------- Now playing: DJ Simmi - 30min Trance Session via FoxyTunes
  8. Adam.G

    Nekrogobli-hangout in North Carolina

    lol...not yet mate. have patience young one :lol:
  9. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    bah...just made a new character... undead mage :D LurGCHQ
  10. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    arrggg....i'd love to play and have a bit of banter with you some time nicky but ive got only one character on blades edge, and really can't be arsed starting from level one. ill think about it though :p
  11. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    yeh, i completely forgot to add this to my original post. if you are interested in PC gaming you should vist (=GCHQ= (gamecommmunity headquarters)) to quote a fellow member we are "A community of like minded gamers". none of you'r stupid clan buisness...just a bunch...
  12. Adam.G

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    no point in typing it, foxy tune's does it for me :lol::lol: ---------------- Now playing: All That Remains - Erase via FoxyTunes
  13. Adam.G

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    killswitch engage - and embers rise (back to normal again) aye, i just got the tune stuck in my head...ended up downloading i kissed a girl and hot n cold...quite good songs to be honest. lol
  14. Adam.G

    What are you listening to goblin!!!

    Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl. :rock::rock: rofl, gotta have a bit of variety eh? :lol:
  15. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    well, as my original post sais, feel free to add me on live,steam, xfire...whatever... ive now got COD5 on the ingame name is Lurr. again, feel free to add me anyone :)
  16. Adam.G

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    over my dead body! :bah:
  17. Adam.G

    Consolidated 'STENCH' Album Status Thread

    If this album is anything like the last one we forum goers should get first opportunity to place orders for actual CD's...maybe even signed, since we're soo special :)
  18. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    ahhh, i have an orc warlock on blades edge...don't play it that much though, mainly play CS:S, although ive been playing the COD5 beta the last couple days on my pc...looks like it'll be a good game. i should be getting fable 2 in the next few days, waiting on it getting delivered... you should...
  19. Adam.G

    Any gamers??

    yeh...don't know why i havn't thought of this before...but there must be a few gamers amongst us forum goers?? just thought i'd mention it. if anyone want's a game sometime gimme a shout. if you are a gamer you can use this thread to post what games you play on each format, what you'r...
  20. Adam.G

    A FEAST. Right now. A day early.

    aye, would be good if myspace was actually fucking working (and im deffinately not blaming you, i know it's the fuckwit's fault..." Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred. This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group." AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :mad: