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    Online keyboard/piano lessons with me!

    Ah, skype lessons. Bout time you got with the 21st Century dude. ;) lol!
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    Live videos/new songs

    Yup, I sucked ass on this, but I blame the drunk guitarist. ;)
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    Melissa Ferlaak joins VoidWork

    Thanks Xavier for posting this! Everyone, I am NOT leaving Echoterra. This is a completely different kind of music and is not replacing my delicious Echoterra band. :) haha! Just thought I would throw that out there in case there was any question.
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    New Marketing Tool for your band/business etc.

    Geez, you are worse than a telemarketer! ;)
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    Yeah, the music in there was not mixed well I think....its a tight, acoustically strange room. Anyway, good review, photos and more videos here: Visit:
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    Recording Update

    WHOA, no no no. Haha, sorry, 5/18 as in May 18th. Sorry about that! lol!
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    Recording Update

    Hm, I think Jonah will need to answer that one...wanna say a Korg Triton, but unsure. ;) Recording Update: 5/18: Vox laid down on the four new songs that we are playing live this weekend! Well, demo versions anyway.. You can see the titles by going to this site (and there is a special...
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    Well, we are having a good friend tape both shows in HD so we should have some clips...if we dont F*ck it up. ;)
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    Why/how ?

    Hey guys! Oh thanks for the kudos on Trinity! It was a fun album to record! Though the upcoming Echoterra album will be even more fun. ;) Portland would be killer to go back to. No tour plans as of now and probably not before the new album comes out. maybe you can take a weekend trip over to...
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    Recording Update

    Hey everyone! Wanted to start a post that can update you on the recording progress to date for our next full length. As you know, we just recently put out an EP, but there are many ideas percolating and 12 songs in various stages of development...some at 10% and some at 90%. Three of these...
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    Echoterra - female-fronted symphonic metal

    Uhm...I was never booted from AD. I quit to join VoA. If you wish to know the story of each of the bands that I shared the stage with, you can certainly find honest responses on my myspace blog. A simple google search would have done it too. :lol: