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  1. Vimana


    Was unaware of it and searched "food" and got a bunch of threads not in this forum.
  2. Vimana


    Last week, I braised duck bacon with ground bison for a couple days in olive oil, butter, goat cheese, coconut milk, cinnamon, turmeric, and curry with onions, arugala, and mushrooms. It was dank as fuck, but the duck almost overpowered everything else in it. I have so much spiced duck fat left...
  3. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    If you find it to be that way, actually point out how/why, otherwise you're just annoying because you call it that without backing yourself up at all.
  4. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Yeah, my preference on one thing makes me a special snowflake that is better than everyone else. I totally said that.
  5. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I agree with you. Especially in fields like psychology and evolutionary anthropology. They get so loaded because the people in these fields tend to have social agendas of their own that they try to slip into their model of human nature, and it gets worse when journalists use THAT to push their...
  6. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I'm not saying science is speculation. I'm saying it annoys me when scientists speculate something and websites (like cracked) present that as, "science says this." There is a lot of this in articles about evopsych, since the field is pretty much speculation. The scientific process is not...
  7. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    It's so annoying seeing articles that are like, "according to science, blah blah." There's no dude named science that spits out facts. "It is speculated by individuals in x branch of science that blah blah" probably doesn't grab audiences quite as much, but it irks me to think that somewhere out...
  8. Vimana

    The News Thread

    Really? I've found him to go too far. He tried to eliminate all room for theology with science in The God Delusion by "answering" the question of why we live in this universe with physical constants right for life with multiverse theory which is pure speculation. I blame him for the annoying...
  9. Vimana

    Males and Females

    In my experience, girls you don't know well generally misinterpret eagerness for desperation, especially over technology. They want guys every bit as much as guys want them, but they enjoy the thrill of being attractive if they earn it authentically. If you start out interested, they have no...
  10. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    I had been wondering why my friend who claims he has no game gets more action on tinder. He lives on the edge of Baltimore while I'm off in hoco haha.
  11. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    Not to say you're wrong, but a possible exception to your rule may be the loop people can get caught in when they eat shitty food. Shitty, processed food that has more fat and sugar than any human would ever need doesn't really fill you up, so people still feel hungry after they eat it and eat...
  12. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    I had an interesting conversation with an old African dude who hated African American ghetto culture. Basically because he came from somewhere dangerous and poor and thought it was stupid that people glorified that in the place he went to to get away from that. On another note, I think...
  13. Vimana

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I really hit it off with this girl at a bar last night and I stupidly didn't get her number because I assumed this one guy hanging out with her was her boyfriend. At least it was a really good conversation, though.
  14. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    It tastes good to some people. It stopped tasting good to me after I started eating healthy. Maybe obesity isn't only a nature problem, but a cultural problem. Same with our culture's sex obsession. Maybe some people's unrestrained desires go towards overindulgence in particular things, while...
  15. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    My point is that not everyone does, though. Humans like more things than food and sex and won't necessarily overindulge given the chance, though some people obviously do. I used to eat a lot of sugar and fat and watch a lot of porn, and despite how much those things hit my primal pleasure...
  16. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    I don't think my mom was restrained so much as she was just interested in building a relationship with someone that would last the rest of her life. I would see this thinking among /r/theredpill that our "true" desire is to fuck everyone we find attractive and we just hold ourselves back, but I...
  17. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    This was before my mom met my dad. My dad has been the main source of income my whole life. My mom immigrated from South America.
  18. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    What I meant was she had a job and paid for bills and school and stuff. She provided her own financial security.
  19. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    My mother lol. She came to the US and supported herself while going to school and learning English. She provided herself with her own security, but wasn't off having flings. I think a big part of it is her culture and being Christian. She has a negative view of casual sex and keeps telling me to...
  20. Vimana

    Males and Females

    But do they literally say "how big are you?" The fact that "you" replaces "your penis" weirds me out.