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  1. FossilMerrick

    TimMerrick to FossilMerrick

    Cheers @MetalAges :)
  2. FossilMerrick

    TimMerrick to FossilMerrick

    I may have had a name change years ago (not sure how far back you can check?), but I'm unsure. Cheers!
  3. FossilMerrick

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread
  4. FossilMerrick

    TAB Thread.

    Thanks :) I did for a while, but I missed the place, haha
  5. FossilMerrick

    TAB Thread.

    Also, seeing as I learnt it from the tab on this thread..
  6. FossilMerrick

    TAB Thread.

    Alright guys, sorry to be a bother, but the download link for In Your Face isn't working for me :/ Anyone got a good copy of the tab? Cheers :)
  7. FossilMerrick


    I quite like Alexi's guitars, but they are his own set up (and terribly overpriced). I always liked the shape of the SV, and preferred it's 2 pickups to Alexi's one. Also, I quite want a 7 string, just for extra lowness, but if I were to get one it'd be a regular body shape (Schecter C-7...
  8. FossilMerrick

    Guitar Player's Thread

    That looks pretty bad ass! If only I didn't have to pay rent :/
  9. FossilMerrick

    Recent Purchases

    It's bad ass man! I can run Pro Tools with ease! :D
  10. FossilMerrick

    BRITFAGS!! "The BBC weather sucks balls." discuss.

    It snowed today.. Again..
  11. FossilMerrick

    Describe the person above you.

    ^ Is in to Belgian metal! :D
  12. FossilMerrick

    Recent Purchases

    Yeah, something seems different.. I saw that Joonas guy got fucked by Janne?
  13. FossilMerrick

    Recent Purchases

    Good thanks man, yourself? I was hoping for a more spectacular return, but I couldn't afford the fireworks..
  14. FossilMerrick

    Describe the person above you.

    ^ Might be so kind as to tell me what they've been doing How many COBOT albums has that been? And I've been writing songs and stuff, but I'm still perfecting them! :P
  15. FossilMerrick

    Describe the person above you.

    ^ Makes me feel welcome here :D And I'm at uni a lot of the time, doing Music Tech. I've made the decision to be on here more.. I fell behind and just couldn't be arsed catching up!
  16. FossilMerrick

    BRITFAGS!! "The BBC weather sucks balls." discuss.

    Ahh cool, I'm headed to Moseley, but my Granddad used to live in Solihull
  17. FossilMerrick

    Describe the person above you.

    ^LLAMA! Wait.. Monkey? Ah yeah.. SHEEP!
  18. FossilMerrick

    BRITFAGS!! "The BBC weather sucks balls." discuss.

    Snow is melting in the south west too.. It's trying to snow again today, but it's too wet
  19. FossilMerrick

    Recent Purchases

    Oh, and a macbook :P But that's for my 21st! I want to get back into skating!