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  1. Nate The Great

    Cult Of Fire -

    Easily one of the best albums of 2013. Not sure if you guys still talk about music here, though. This track in particular should draw in some of you: Maybe this album...
  2. Nate The Great

    Temple - On The Steps Of The Temple (my band)

    Fuck you. Bought this shit. The labels will come to you. This is GOOD.
  3. Nate The Great

    Earl Dibbles Jr.

    And brother.
  4. Nate The Great

    Earl Dibbles Jr.

    For all you city folk that don't know what its like in the country.
  5. Nate The Great

    Split Cranium - Aaron Turner's new band

    Hardcore? No. Maybe grindcore . . . but still not accurate.
  6. Nate The Great

    Split Cranium - Aaron Turner's new band

    Different than Isis, but you can easily tell Aaron Turner's style is what made Isis great. They're sort of a more rockin' and brutal band, but they are still kind of progressive in their own way. If there's a way to insert this...
  7. Nate The Great

    Undigested Sewage . . . my high school band.

    Recorded about 15 years ago on cassette in the basement of a church . . . seriously. Several other songs were written and recorded in one session, but these are probably the best. I make no claims about quality.
  8. Nate The Great

    Ancient VVisdom "The Opposition" . . . hail to thee Lord Lucifer.

    If I was fucking with you, I'd post something like this.
  9. Nate The Great

    Ancient VVisdom "The Opposition" . . . hail to thee Lord Lucifer.

    I'm always here.:hahamiddlefinger:
  10. Nate The Great

    Ancient VVisdom "The Opposition" . . . hail to thee Lord Lucifer. I still don't know how to insert a Youtube video. EDIT: Apparently it inserts itself. This band's new album is completely awesome, and I expect you all to own it ASAP. However, I'd like to point this video out. The lead...
  11. Nate The Great

    Vektor - Outer Isolation

    Looks like you can pretty much here the whole album on Youtube. Best album I've heard in years!
  12. Nate The Great

    Vektor - Outer Isolation

    I hardly ever post here, so you need to take this recommendation seriously. Remember when I told you about Negura Bunget, Manes, Gojira, etc.? I don't know how to insert a Youtube thing, so I'll just post the link. You can get the album at Amazon MP3 or Google Music for $4.99. It is kind...
  13. Nate The Great

    My Sporadic Update Thread

    J.: I just came across this thread for the first time. I feel like we go way back, so I thought I'd post for the first time in a while. I was in a similar situation as you before moving back to the family farm and becoming my own boss. Unfortunately that isn't an option for very many people...
  14. Nate The Great

    At work on the farm . . . listening to black metal.

    I'm currently in the process of planting corn, and I've added a video monitor for a backup camera. But in the field I plug my Ipod into it and watch downloaded videos (Breaking Bad, movies, etc.).
  15. Nate The Great

    At work on the farm . . . listening to black metal.

    Some video I took while spreading dry fertilizer on a muddy field several weeks ago.
  16. Nate The Great

    Drengskapur - Von Nebel umschlungen

    I like it. I'm gonna get it because you mentioned my name in your review.
  17. Nate The Great

    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    Its not pointless. Its just that we've all seen and been through just about every argument that could be argued. I usually check out about 75% of the "recommendations" on this forum, just because there's no other really good source. Plus, I actually trust some of the opinions around here...
  18. Nate The Great

    The demise of Royal Carnage...

    I'm one of the original members of Royal Carnage. I used to post all the time, but then I just got too busy with my life and stuff. I still come to read threads and find out about new bands and stuff. Sometimes I even post a picture of a penis or something like that. Believe it or not, I do...
  19. Nate The Great

    top 10 of 2009

    Thanks for posting something worth looking at in this thread.
  20. Nate The Great

    gnaw their tongues

    I posted a pic with a penis in my thread about this band.