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  1. E

    Sneak Preview... at last!!

    Check the news section... and follow the link for some serious persuader riffs. Things has, after too long hiatus, started to move again. A lot of things has been going on for the past years for all of us, wich has been keeping us really busy and keeping our focus of music for a while...
  2. E

    Recording UPDATE

    Hey guys! I thought it was time to give you guys a bit of an update on how things are coming along here at Studio Värdelös. We´re working hard on the songs and have 11 new ones on the way for you. We´ll record some video spoilers for you when things are sounding good. =) As we record...
  3. E

    So...wanna buy a t-shirt?

    You can email the pics to me as we, the band, ordered the shirts from a german retailer. Haven´t thought about this myself, but I´ll have a look at the stock as well. email: /Emil
  4. E

    couple questions

    2. I was curious as to which microphones you guys like using in the studio? What do you mic your guitar amps with? What do you record Jens' vocals with? The mics for the gits were a sm57 and a mxl990. Two amps were used, a peavey ultra plus and a peavey XXX. For the vox I can´t remember, i...
  5. E

    The next album(s)

    as well with the new SC, it´s in work. As with all release dates there are always a bit optimistical but we are aiming for a 2007 with SC and a early 2008 with Persuader. /Emilio