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  1. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    Alvinbakal...yep...dats's name is firstdegree...we plan to release a follow up to that pero do-it-urself na.....we got dropped by that major label coz we didn't make money for them....heheheheh....anyways...the new sound is heavier and more "meaty"....we already gave 2 new cuts to the...
  2. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    hahaha...selling out is farthest from our minds right now...we play what we want because we love it and not because of money or some sh!t like that...*LOL* Anyways...yeah...i almost forgot...heheheh....anyways....cleaned up my PC kasi me again in 2 weeks time so that i can send...
  3. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    He he he...yeah true....we had 2 demos done already...unfortunately our bassist officially left the band i guess that's's me and the guitarist are the only 2 remaining members of rumblebelly....together with the new drummer....we'll be forming a new band....metal...
  4. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    yep....i am him...hehehehe....thanks man...sure appreciate u knowing us....:D Well....all of us are very busy right now....we tried to ressurect rumblebelly once but things are different with the new we decided to give it a rest once and for all and start afresh.... LA?....u...
  5. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    Well...thanks....that's how things go so we better just adapt... Paul and the rest of KNK are still around...haven't personally seen em though but i heard they're still active in the metal circuit playing technical death... DAB...well...last time i talked to their vocalist (Michael) was...
  6. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    Hey Ritch....well the members are still around but i guess rumblebelly would be hard pressed to get it back together again since the original drummer...and now the bassist left.....the two remaining members are working to form a new group....
  7. R

    Anybody from the Philippines here?

    Metalhead from Manila here....:grin:
  8. R

    Metal Videos - mpeg format

    hmmm....nopes...sorry....have u tried using Kazaa?..or WinMX?...u can search for videos thru their networks too...
  9. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    huh?..really?..that's an MP3 file....not unless ur mp3 player doesn't play mp3s who's bitrates are below 90bps u want me to send it again?
  10. R


    i agree..steve asheim is one of the best i've ever seen/ golly, the guy must have robot legs to do all that he does for Deicide!...hahahah
  11. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    alright....or u can email at
  12. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Goregoat.... well...first i can send u the mp3 via email if u want....just give me ur email address and i'll send it right away our band has a wide range on influences ranging from deicide, (old) sepultura, slayer, unleashed, fear factory, earth crisis to hatebreed and slipknot..i...
  13. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Techmetal, in all actuality, that song got recorded first before "Biktima"...and both are recorded by our ex-drummer, jimmy....we have yet to record the newer songs with the new drummer....but it'll be definitely more mature sounding and heavier than those previous 2 songs...hehehehhe:D
  14. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    goregoat... yep...i think our band falls under that genre....been around in the Philippines since 1994 and if u wanna listen...just tell me where i can send you some mp3s of our songs...i do hope u like em too....btw, our songs are in our native tongue, tagalog....but don't worry....our new...
  15. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    ok...i'll be sending u a file a few minutes after i post this message i am not sure about any gigs on those dates...but if there will be i'll inform u....just leave me a contact number or anyway i can get in touch with u..k?
  16. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    hey techmetal....u still want another MP3 from us? :D
  17. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Thanks Techmetal As soon as we're able to record our new songs....i'lll send them to u...haven't been able to access the boards lately coz my server has fucked up.... Anyways, that song was recorded back in 96....i can safely say that we've grown heavier and more mature than...
  18. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Handle = Nickname = Username heheheh....oh don't worry...that wasn't a stupid question....:) i'm just used to using the term "handle"
  19. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Yep...check out his handle and go figure...heheheh:grin:
  20. R

    metal scene in the Philippines?

    Kerpal...este...Letat...when's the next jam...hehehehe