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    im a big fan of metalcore. still remains as i lay dying i killed the prom queen trivium (ascendancy only) divine heresy Killswitch engage (alive or just breathing only) soilwork that sort of stuff you know?
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    How much metal on your iPod?

    1400 songs in iTunes roughly. all is metal/classic rock. but i unfortunately got a 2gb ipod, which means i just fill it with metal.
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    Official buying advice thread

    i got a package when i started, and now i regret it... and i still havnt managed to raise enough money to get a new amp. but yeah i think go for individuals.
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    Easy Metal Tabs

    black sabbath, amon amarth, maiden, and korn are all really easy, an sound pretty good as well. but when i started playing i wasnt really a metalhead. i was a rock fan...oh how misguided i was.
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    metal being promoted more by record labels

    i have heard around somewhere that metal will start to be promoted more by major record labels, because pop music dies after about a month, and metal fans will in general keep buying particular albums 20 years after its release. i just want to know if this is true, or i just heard bullshit.
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    Drum machines! whats the big deal?

    i prefer live drums, but i dont really have a problem with a drum machine
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    Guilty Pleasures

    killswitch engage are a band that arent accepted by metalheads, but i dont feel guilty for liking them. why should i? its my personal opinion against theirs, and i dont care if they hate me for it.
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    Bands/albums that've blown you away recently

    seeing maiden live sorta blew away all my expectations and left me standing there saying...fuck yes i want more. i think thats what u mean.
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    The concerts thread

    and i want to see dimmu borgir and behemoth, but im not sure if they r coming to perth. and im seeing divine heresy (should be ok) with killswitch engage and as i lay dying (both which should be average) and along with about another fucking thousand emo bands.
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    The concerts thread

    I saw Maiden last week on thier somewhere back in time world tour. holy crap it was fucking awesome, even though it was held in a shitty arena where the acoustics sucked, it still was truly amazing. I also saw the black crussade with Machine head/arch enemy/trivium great/great/shit and...
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    2008 Grammys

    yes, the grammys are shit, because they dont consider undergorund bands, i get the point. but what i was saying is the there were really two contenders who you can call half decent for that category, and one of them was done an injustice, that one being machine head. the blackening is awesome...
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    2008 Grammys

    yeah they won last year. but they did a re-release and the new track on the album got nominated. and your opinion on the blackening is your own, but it has won many awards within the metal community.
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    i think the line between death and thrash is pretty obvious
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    2008 Grammys

    best metal performance category is what im talking about...obviously. I reckon that Slayer were awesome, but machine head were really the band that deserved the grammy. And having heard both songs, i do know what im talking about. And all the the other bands in the category i didnt really...
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    Scream Aim Fire

    I just picked up a new album yesterday. and of course it happened to be the new Bullet For My Valentine album, Scream Aim Fire. i used to be a fan of bullet, before the release of The Poison. But this new album is nothing short of awesome. instead of being all about shitty relationships. it is...
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    hey~I’m a new visited and I’m a chinese girl~

    yea i thought there were some good bands in china too, like Cthonic, or are they taiwanese, anyway, there are some there.
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    Cradle of Filth

    i just started getting into CoF as well, and nymphetamine got me into them. but im gonna go get some of the older stuff later today.
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    songs to make out to:

    Red hot chili peppers- under the bridge or soul to squeeze
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    Melodic Death Metal

    at the gates dark tranquility amon amarth and if your looking for good in flames, the jester race or clayman are their best albums.
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    Best Cradle of filth album

    I have heard alot about cradle of filth from friends, and i want to get an album of theirs just to see if they are as good as i have heard. Whats the best one to get. all i have heard of the is a couple of songs off nymphetamine.