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  1. Conscious Pilot

    To the 2 people who left towels on their seats most of the night ....

    Ha, ha - & listen to you! What an ass...
  2. Conscious Pilot

    New ENCHANT !!! Official !!!

    Finally!! "officially official" San Francisco progressive rock/metal act Enchant will release the eighth studio effort "The Great Divide" on September 29th in North America via InsideOut Music. It is the first release in eleven...
  3. Conscious Pilot


    No worries. Cannot wait to hear it!! Thanks Steve.
  4. Conscious Pilot


    Great news!!! Thansk Steve. I also heard a rumor that Kral is involved as well...
  5. Conscious Pilot

    Katatonia Forum Closing

    What a shame. As a non-FB user, this was a convenient one stop place to get my updates on what was happening, as well as read interesting (and sometimes infuriating) conversation. Goodbye
  6. Conscious Pilot


    Hi, Is there any update on the Firehead project? Was listening to Architects of Lies this morning and am anxious to hear Mikkel and Steve work together! Thanks!
  7. Conscious Pilot

    Anathema - Weather Systems

    what he said...and throw OSI in there...
  8. Conscious Pilot

    Best Armored Saint album

  9. Conscious Pilot

    Vocals on the new album

    Welcome "back"! Yes, that's exactly what I meant – I believe I can can hear the SW influence on both of you. You and TL don't sound the same, per se, but there are nuances this layman/music fan can hear, whether it’s actual fact - who knows!? Ha, ha Funny about your comment...
  10. Conscious Pilot

    Music 2012

    Agreed, all points. Loving new Alcest. How about a Katatonia/Anathema co-headling tour??
  11. Conscious Pilot

    Vocals on the new album

    Just stumbled onto this album recently. Phenomenal!! And I definitely hear the Steve Walsh influence on PAV’s voice, similar to someone like Ted Leonard. Maybe – but still very unique and SO strong. Highlight performance on the (very, very good) record, in my opinion.
  12. Conscious Pilot

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Subsignal - Touchstones
  13. Conscious Pilot

    Last Fair Day Gone Night Tour 2011

    They were excellent!
  14. Conscious Pilot

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Opeth - The Funeral Portrait
  15. Conscious Pilot

    Last Fair Day Gone Night Tour 2011

    I'm sure that still could happen at some of the dates, but Katatonia would still play their 60 minute set.
  16. Conscious Pilot

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Hail!Hornet - Kill the Liars
  17. Conscious Pilot

    What if Jonas re-recorded the vocals Discouraged Ones?

    I think it would be interesting to hear both of those records revisited with their updated sound of today - Jonas' vocals and over a more lush base. TOTALLY unnecessary, of course, but I, for one would be very interested to hear them both.
  18. Conscious Pilot

    40 Watt Sun

    Loving this album!