Search results

  1. S

    Your local scene

    Any goods bands from your area that you think we should check out? From the UK I'd recommend Trigger The Bloodshed and Mia Hope if you like something a bit heavier! Or if you like stuff like Lamb Of God then we've got our local faves Malefice who released an album last year.
  2. S

    Favourite bands??

    So, who are your favourite bands at the moment? Any albums or gigs you're looking forward to?
  3. S

    New thrash

    Municipal Waste, Skeletonwitch, Evile, what do you think of this new wave of thrash bands?
  4. S

    Kiss to headline Download Festival

    Kiss are headlining this years Download Festival.. what do you think? Last time I saw them at Monsters of Rock they weren't great..
  5. S

    Planet Loud interviews The Breathing Process

    Hi there Have you checked these guys out yet? What do you think? We did an interview with them recently..
  6. S


    Hi guys We've just posted a new interview up with Skeletonwitch. Would love to know what you think of it..
  7. S would like to welcome Planet Loud!

    Hey Goreripper - thanks for the welcome.. Would love your feedback on the site.. :) What's the Aussie metal scene like at the moment?