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  1. K


    I don't usually do these but I ran FOH sound for Hate on a tour a couple of years ago and I was bored. Also new monitors and had to break them in somehow.
  2. K

    Abigail Williams Tour Dates

    Totally forgot about this forum but Ill be sure to update here once we have new dates.
  3. K

    To Ken Sorceron...

    People came and went for a variety of reasons, just like the fact that Ashley is no longer playing with COF, the main thing for her was she doesn't like metal and especially not when we toured so much and made no money. She wanted to move on but now that phase has also come to and end. Another...
  4. K

    Pre order deals for In The Absence Of Light

    Hey guys, cant remember my login for my usual account on here so I am using this one. Just wanted to let everyone know the best place to pre order the new album is here We have shirt and cd combos for $16 or just the cd for $9. Anyone...
  5. K

    New Old DIRGE

    Sounds crushing
  6. K

    IRC Channel

  7. K

    New Abigail fan

    welcome aboard
  8. K

    Does anyone else HATE exdrummer???

    Just use it for what its made to be used for... writing... which it is awesome for. You can't expect to get album ready tones from such cheap software.
  9. K


    haha. it took i think 2 months or something. i think i was growing it for a month then went on tour and by the end it was looking pretty sweet. still going...
  10. K

    Gear for the new album...

    I am in Florida now and i can tell you that I will probably use the 6505 mostly for guitars and perhaps madison for the leads.
  11. K

    New recording of Floods on the myspace and WTF happened to the new lineup?

    Sorry people I cant log in to my ultimate metal account for some reason so I have not been able to post. I will just use this temporarily until I can figure out what email I used to sign up...