Search results

  1. TrueBeliever

    Suggest me a band.

    Niyaz - really cool, I'm always looking for good folk music, plus the electronic elements are tastefully done. Much better than the typical Arabic dance music I hear from upstairs. Discidium - definitely an impressive output for a new band. I'll have to keep my eye on them, they sound like...
  2. TrueBeliever

    Suggest me a band.

    I havn't had time in a while to keep up with new bands, so please suggest me one band (only one per person please) that I need to have heard. Cheers, Michael
  3. TrueBeliever

    post your embarrassing pictures thread

    this is why you dont drink absinthe straight from the bottle...
  4. TrueBeliever

    hey from sweden

    so I've been in swedish like 6 weeks now, and I've been reading the board whilst bored, but I havn't posted in a while, so I thought I'd say hi. I wish I had some pictures to post, but all I have really is some of me drunk with some random drunk finns (right now I'm working on a bottle of...
  5. TrueBeliever

    is anyone here from uppsala?

    I have already seen the burial mounds (while listening to something suitably viking). I'm still looking for cd stores and the like, but havn't found anything distinctly metal. Unfortunately being on the younger side (17) I'm not sure how easy it'll be to get that beer (probably at least harder...
  6. TrueBeliever

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    alright, so Nevermore Vs............Vintersorg discuss.
  7. TrueBeliever

    I am goddamn bored.

    I wasn't talking to you, besides I can't legally
  8. TrueBeliever

    is anyone here from uppsala?

    excuse me if its off-topic, but I'm going to be here for the next couple of months, and I was curious if anyone else knew anything about it
  9. TrueBeliever

    I am goddamn bored.

    I'm in sweden for basically the whole goddamn summer but I don't know a single person. So basically all I have to do is hang out on benches, listen to music by myself, smoke too much, and generally just be metal. Still, I'm bored... so I'm saying hi. Incidently, I can't find the...
  10. TrueBeliever

    So, what's your favorite band from each subgenre?

    haha, long live flak n' roll
  11. TrueBeliever

    im home... check this out, everyone

    haha, I flipped on the tv and was thinking, he kinda looks like Will, until he mentioned the tatoo. thats awesome man, last thing I was expecting to see
  12. TrueBeliever would like to welcome Prototype!

    Where the hell did this come from? though, one of my favorite bands...
  13. TrueBeliever

    post your sexy pics here

    Ironic, I love him because of the frog in the avatar (or, I would if he wasn't a guy).
  14. TrueBeliever

    sooo maybe this is already shwon by the ITT thread, but josh: how was the triac show?

    The was a cool show, you say you are in Triac?
  15. TrueBeliever

    post your sexy pics here

  16. TrueBeliever

    Whose going to show at Jaxx

    I saw shirts, not sure about the price. Signed drumsticks by Louie for 7$, and picks (signed?) for 3$. Amazing show though, except for the usual annoying drunk guy rubbing his sweaty arm in my face.
  17. TrueBeliever

    HOLY SHIT Judge sez no to Wiccans!! Bad, bad precedent

    I find it very funny that Wicca has to steal holidays from other religions, such as the mentioned Asatru holidays Yule and Ostara. How can anyone be foolish enough to believe in a religion so blatantly artificial. If you really celebrated Ostara, why wouldn't you practice the original religion...
  18. TrueBeliever

    Maryland Death Festival III

    Not worth the money for me, I already saw Cryptopsy for 15$ for like a full set. And I've seen Misery Index twice already. I don't like much else there.
  19. TrueBeliever

    lyrics to sleep is a curse

    I can probably think of at least two others... But as long as you're not vegan/straightedge/fashioncore like the first Josh I don't have a problem. ...this isn't difficult to read.
  20. TrueBeliever

    lyrics to sleep is a curse

    Well I already hate Josh (I've only ever met one Josh in Baltimore, so I think it's the most logical conclusion that it's the same person).