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  1. DE4life

    Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

    For sure. I think it would actually have been pretty cool and innovative to end the series with Light coming out on top, rather than just defeated later by an L clone. I should note that this is an anime only opinion - from what I understand the manga does a much better job with characterising...
  2. DE4life

    Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

    Near is basically an alt version of L, but less charismatic or interesting. Hard to assess if he's more intelligent than L, as L had already done a lot of the legwork before dying and Light wasn't as sharp or focused by the time Near got involved. Mello I just didn't think was a great...
  3. DE4life

    Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

    Spoiler tag as I don't know exactly how far you are in the series ...
  4. DE4life

    Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

    Season 1 of The Promised Neverland is also a really good series, devoid of the standard anime tropes and heavy on the mystery in the sense of 'wtf is going on here?' - I was put off initially by the fact the main characters were kids, but it was actually a really good watch. Unfortunately it's a...
  5. DE4life

    Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

    Check out Steins;Gate. It has some of the cliche anime tropes which can be annoying, but overall the story is pretty great. It's primarily about time travel, but there's a mystery element in terms of who is controlling what. It's probably my favourite overall anime, all things factored in, and...
  6. DE4life

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Crowds in the past have enjoyed Moonshield and Artifacts just fine - why they play Graveland nonstop instead of those is beyond me. Whilst Graveland is a fine song, in the context of TJR it's a pretty mid track. Almost any other song would be more interesting. The 'crowds don't react' excuse...
  7. DE4life

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Coming back to this kind of late, but I've only just realised Daniel Heiman is doing guest vocals on this track: No idea how I didn't make the connection before as it's obvious that it's him (and he still sounds great).
  8. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    What a great show this was.
  9. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    The thing is, around 2-3 years is a reasonable enough time between albums. Especially for a band which isn't even the vocalist's main project. The only reason the timeline feels disappointing is because members of the band keep promising music that never materialises. The winter 2022 EP that...
  10. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    They've been confused since the first album was released in terms of what they've been saying to the press. It's all very strange. "Our sophomore album will...
  11. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    New music for what? The album they said was done last year? A third album? An EP that won't end up getting released? Random single? Collaboration with Taylor Swift? I have no idea what is going on with these guys anymore.
  12. DE4life

    Let's talk wrasslin'

    Thanks man, I appreciate that. I'm very sorry for your loss as well. I think it's something only a pet owner who really develops a bond with their animal or animals can really understand. It's totally different to human relationships as the animal never judges you, never has ulterior motives and...
  13. DE4life

    Let's talk wrasslin'

    Okay, so, night one... Rhea Vs Becky was a solid opener. Considering Becky had been ill in the week leading up to the match I thought she put in a hell of a performance. I thought Rhea going over was the right call as her star is very much on the rise and there's a lot of potential still for...
  14. DE4life

    Let's talk wrasslin'

    Our dog unexpectedly passed away on 31st March and since then I haven't really felt like interacting with anyone or anything, but I did watch both Mania nights out of both habit and just as something to try and distract myself. Difficult to judge how I felt about it as I watched it in such a...
  15. DE4life

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Either a truly ultimate show of dominance or a total career killer. Not sure I could come back from that so if he does then fair play 🤣 our laptops have a slider that can go over the camera, and I've literally always got it set in position just in case. With that said I doubt I'd ever take the...
  16. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    I'll judge purely based on what I hear. Typically I'm not really into gothic/doomy stuff, but I do have some exceptions - Tristania, On Thorns I Lay, Anubis, Poisonblack -so we'll see. In terms of the band mixture involved, I obviously like DT a lot. Dimmu Borgir I don't mind - although I...
  17. DE4life

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Random fifteen for today, my first actual chill day in weeks... Tristania - Ab Initio (Gothic Metal, 2007) Arch Enemy - The Watcher (Melodic Death Metal, 2022) Nobou Uematsu/FF7 Advent Children - Cloud Smiles (OST, 2005) Nobou Uematsu/FF7 - Ahead On Our Way (OST, 1997) The Dark Element - Get...
  18. DE4life

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    The albums seem to get pretty poor reviews on Encyclopaedia Metallum until the most recent one, which is a bit higher. With that said... the reviewers on that site aren't really a barometer for quality. New Amaranthe album - meh/10 New Dragonfoce album - meh/10 Feels like both bands are just...
  19. DE4life

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Some decent Finnish MDM - haven't listened to their earlier albums, but will probably give this album a spin. Very COB-influenced, which shouldn't be a surprise as the band was founded by the COB keyboard player. You can certainly hear that sound.
  20. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    Still waiting on that Winter 2022 EP.