Search results

  1. P

    Opeth's new album: Insomnicide

  2. P

    Worst trend in Metal

    Mosh pits. Also, the last option in this poll exists merely so you can all yank on each other's dicks. As a result, I'm not surprised this thread is a huge yankfest.
  3. P

    Perfect Metal&Rock songs for "partying"!

    This sums the thread up. Autotuned frat boy radio rock music played by emos going for a metal image. There's your party metal/rock. Check out that incredibly flamboyant squatting on behalf of the guitarists. I don't know if they're shitting their pants or preparing for insertion.
  4. P

    Rest In Peace, Michael Jackson

    ^ Thank god I don't really watch TV. I've been able to avoid this circus. Yeah, Michael Jackson was talented and released some classic things back in the day, and it's sad to lose someone that talented and everything, but ENOUGH already. The celebrity worship and the media distraction this event...
  5. P

    What are you listening to now ?

  6. P

    Anyone else upset about the changes at eMusic?

    You can and should download music for free to begin with, although this is more of a superficial and minor reason to do so.
  7. P

    Your favorite prog guitarists?

    Petrucci is fucking bullshit.
  8. P

    Is 80's Metallica overrated?

    There is no overrating Master of Puppets.
  9. P

    Opeth in Israel: Show cancelled

    Anyone with a shred of common sense and morality if they're actually serious about the issue.
  10. P

    New Slayer.

    Song blows, Slayer blows, etc.
  11. P

    How does Vertabrae hold up to previous Enslaved albums?

    I've never completely understood the Enslaved hype. I mean, they can usually write some good heavy stuff, but essentially every attempt of theirs at soft music with clean vocals is a bland yawnfest.
  12. P

    Derelict Herds...

    Am I the only one who finds the song horrid?
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  14. P

    Mixing weed and music

    Quick, someone call this guy a boogerhead or a stupid-brain. p.s. drugs are lame (that includes alcohol and especially cigarettes. fucking disgusting and it creates disgusting people)
  15. P

    Video Game music

    Diablo II is the only game with a soundtrack I ever actually noticed. It's the shit. Dark psych & world music.
  16. P

    DVD --> CD --> ?

    Yes, you can rip DVD audio and it can be tracked according to dvd "Chapters". Try this. Unless anything has changed with it, it should be a free 30-day unlimited use trial.
  17. P

    Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape

    If this remaster is as bad as the Gallows Gallery remaster (an album that didn't need remastering whatsofucking ever - it sounded amazing until they remastered it... all that monster bass gone in the name of loudness - a static mess in its place), then avoid it at all costs. It's marketing...
  18. P

    Vote for your favourite album of 2008 on SoT

    What the fuck is "The Pineapple Thief"? It looks like a link to the same poll ended up on their forums and slanted it, kinda like how Opeth will shoot up to number 1 now since you posted it here. I voted for Meshuggah obviously. edit: And I would suggest you post this on the Meshuggah forum...
  19. P

    Which Meshuggah album should I buy?

    No, it's not "literally 60 minutes" of that. Check your definition of the word "literally." The first 5 minutes of the album are like that. You know... the 5 minutes in that video, where beyond that the theme resurfaces merely a couple more times in different ways. Clearly you've never actually...
  20. P

    Which Meshuggah album should I buy?

    They may not be for you. But honestly you should just be downloading an album to find out rather than listening to us.