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  1. DarkNoise

    Piggybacking off rebirth's thread: updated pics thread

    I actually just picked my guitar up about a week ago for the first time in maybe 10 or so years. Forgot how much I truly love playing. Definitely rusty and slower, but I am already looking at a good sound card so I can start recording again. I get a 1/4 or so second delay when recording and...
  2. DarkNoise

    Everybody's gone

    That’s the one! I still have Clammo on my Steam too, but haven’t sent him anything in years. I also ditched FB because it led to arguments over who is so and so and why is she on your Facebook. I should jump back on that bandwagon now.
  3. DarkNoise

    Gaming Thread

    Replaying Mass Effect series from scratch.
  4. DarkNoise

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    Bump. Because epic thread.
  5. DarkNoise

    Everybody's gone

    I just came back today. Was hoping for a still thriving group, but knew it’d be less than what I hoped based on circumstances. Anyone seen Larf? DL? DNB? I know I see you Bozarth.
  6. DarkNoise

    Piggybacking off rebirth's thread: updated pics thread

    So I have not been on here in the better part of a decade. Last I was on, Larf had recently tried beer coffee in a hotel room. but this is me now also, Will - you still doing live acoustic stuff? Always loved it.
  7. DarkNoise

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard

    fuck yes to all the dax riggs on here. and for me it's as simple as this:
  8. DarkNoise

    Post funny shit

    what... the... fuck....
  9. DarkNoise

    The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

    I haven't found a good beard trimmer of that size yet Tyler. where the hell did you find that? And Derek - Cara totally pwns that photo. Sorry.
  10. DarkNoise

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    regarding Scenes From a Memory - that album was the second I ever bought of theirs and always will be my favorite. Like you said it was true to the musical styling and concept. I will never tire of it. Thought I still prefer The Silent Man for some weird reason, it's so simplistic but epic...
  11. DarkNoise

    Gaming Thread

    I only glanced at most of the posts recently. But now I want to play Majora's Mask badly, and though I haven't played Skyrim yet I've heard great things. And Fallout 4 I haven't heard of yet. I love the setting of all those games, and though my play style preference will always be third...
  12. DarkNoise

    say something about ... yourself!

    fucking dumbass comedians dying too early (patrice, carlin, hedberg, etc). Like ol' georgie said... that's the whole secret of life, not dying
  13. DarkNoise

    So, what happened to the IRC room?

    the Mass Effect reference wins the thread
  14. DarkNoise

    Harold and Kumar Christmas

    you may also jerk off
  15. DarkNoise

    Random Photo Thread

    Kevin's post - god I love this part of the world
  16. DarkNoise

    Professional Wrestling... anyone?

    is it called the Smashing Buttmens?
  17. DarkNoise

    post your sexy pics here

    Keith would be jealous. Where is this anyway (i've been out of the loop a lot lately). It almost looks more like the Kent area.
  18. DarkNoise

    Harold and Kumar Christmas

    i'm with Max. Don't smoke, but love the movies. Maybe wait for it on DVD/Bluray though. Can't really afford beer AND movies this month, gotta sacrifice one
  19. DarkNoise

    Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

    the thread lives!
  20. DarkNoise

    say something about ... yourself!

    glad I'm not the only one who thinks Bloody Mary's are fucking awful. if I want that much tomato sauce I'll have some tomato soup with basil, garlic powder, onion salt, and cayenne. And a fucking grilled ham and cheese on the side. I've tried Caesar's too, and I hate them even more. The only...