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  1. Erkan

    Anyone remember Mr. Walker? Here's some new stuff!

    Thanks man! I kind of regret not having started this recording earlier though. One can really tell it's a rushed recording. The songs feel half finished all the way through :) Still though, it was cool making it.
  2. Erkan

    Anyone remember Mr. Walker? Here's some new stuff!

    Hey guys! It's been quiet from me since the release of "A day in a storm" back in 2012, but here's a new EP to listen to. It's free, so you can download it from bandcamp. I'm happy to answer any questions about the production or whatever. Although, the mixing and mastering was done in a couple...
  3. Erkan

    Amp Sim Exploration Voyage #3!

    There are time stamps in the video description in YouTube! From there, you can skip my blathering and just get to the amps. You should try clicking the link instead of watching it from the forum thread :) Edit: Literally, the first thing that pops up in the video is also a notice to check the...
  4. Erkan

    Amp Sim Exploration Voyage #3!

    I couldn't stop - it had to be done. I tried a few more free amp sims, and a couple of demo ones. Here are the results. Check it out! As "always", I run everything through Catharsis' Awesometime s-preshigh impulse, which explains the similar sound of every amp. They still have different...
  5. Erkan

    Amp Sim Exploration Voyage #2!

    Hey guys, I've made another obsessive amp sim comparison video but this time it's MUCH shorter. I've decided to go for G# or A on my next project (which I will begin writing tomorrow!) and here are some amp sims I'm considering using. Personally, I'm leaning towards Steinberg Warp again, since I...
  6. Erkan

    VST Guitar Tone & Amp Sim Exploration Voyage!

    Yeah, those are nice amps. I'm going to do some more tinkering with these, and also with some new ones. A round 2 will be coming up on YouTube in the foreseeable future :)
  7. Erkan

    VST Guitar Tone & Amp Sim Exploration Voyage!

    Thanks! Wow, I didn't think you would actually do it. This got.... weird. I'm just gonna pretend there isn't 3 thick strings of fecal matter on my monitor right now. :)
  8. Erkan

    VST Guitar Tone & Amp Sim Exploration Voyage!

    Hey guys, been ages since I posted here. Thought this would be a good way to break the silence (though I doubt there are many "old timers" left here who remember me). Anyway, one does not need to remember me to enjoy this! Here are a whole bunch of amp sims I tried for some heavier low tuned...
  9. Erkan

    How I take on a task such as making an album by myself

    Aye, touché! Yeah man, that's me! I'm working on some new stuff now :) Glad you like the first album! Yeah, I think it's awesome how differently we all do things, but we still arrive at a good end result regardless. For me, it has always been hard to "push out" creativity. It comes...
  10. Erkan

    How I take on a task such as making an album by myself

    Haha, the whole shitting process can produce its own melodies man! Awesome shit.
  11. Erkan

    How I take on a task such as making an album by myself

    Hey guys! I just made a video where I talk about how I go on about making an album. It's not a small task and maybe more of you are thinking of doing this, so I thought I'd share this with you. It might give some insight or you might say "Fuck you, coming in here trying to teach ME how to...
  12. Erkan

    Ibanez Universe pitchshifted to F# from G# Using KEMPER

    The Kemper sure seems useful! Nice chunky tone.
  13. Erkan

    Haven't bought my album "A day in a storm" yet? Here is a discount for ya!

    Hey guys! I just used the tools on bandcamp to make a discount code for sneapsters, giving a 15% discount on the album I made and released September last year. Check it out at and if you like it, please buy it. The discount code is "awesomesneap". Keep...
  14. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    Yes, useful info - thanks! I've read enough around the net now to understand that this is amazing latency-wise and I've never been this sure to dump firewire for this. :-) Now the only thing I wonder is the question in my previous post. I'm trying to read when I have the time here at work but...
  15. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    I've read more on the net and some say the RME HDSPE AIO has 1x ADAT and that ADAT is only 1-way communication so you need one for in channels and one for out. So I'm confused - if you send signals out from Profire into the RME, how do you send them back to the Profire so you can use the...
  16. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    Oh cool. It sounds almost too good to be true. :-) One more thing, what about MIDI? If I connect let's say an e-drum kit via MIDI, do I connect them to the Profire as well? Does the MIDI follow through the ADAT with the rest of the channels?
  17. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    Owen, you rock man, thanks for the info. So the headphone thing - I guess I need some sort of breakout cable for the RME HDSPE AIO to access some outputs, or how else would I access any type of output from it? Where do I plug my monitors/cans in? Or does it go back to the Profire via ADAT so I...
  18. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    But have you tried it for yourself though? I really need some real world proof that it is a good way to go :) People say different things about the clocking and syncing, and how the Profire would follow the RME if I was to change the buffer settings in let's say Reaper while recording. Does the...
  19. Erkan

    Profire 2626 + RME HDSPe AIO - Anyone tried this combo?

    Hey guys! It's time for me to step out of my internet cave and slowly become active again. Right now I'm doing a little bit of research on my next setup for my next album. I recently bought a new killer computer and thought "FUCK IT, I'm not running FireWire anymore, I'm fed up with that...