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  1. brianhood

    Now Hiring at The Six Figure Home Studio

    The Six Figure Home Studio is growing and expanding to be more than just a blog. Soon, we will have a podcast, live events, online courses, and partnerships with producers and brands from around the world. We need a full-time assistant to help bring future plans to fruition. This position is...
  2. brianhood

    How many of you guys are trying to go full-time with this?

    This is how I've seen a lot of people get their start (including myself). Once I figured out that the studio was my calling more than a band, my mindset switched. Not saying you will ever want to try to go full time, but that's just how it panned out for me.
  3. brianhood

    How many of you guys are trying to go full-time with this?

    I know I kind of fell off that map from this forum, but it's been cool to see how many guys from the "old days" have made a career out of this. Which of you current regulars are full time, and who are still working towards it? Shameless plug: I did write an article about this subject -...
  4. brianhood

    From Shit To Gold (and your studio's first paid project)

    Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! yes that website building course has produced some carbon copies haha. They all look better than what some people would shit out on their own, though. I've also seen quite a few websites that looked wayyy better than mine.
  5. brianhood

    From Shit To Gold (and your studio's first paid project)

    I'm getting ready to open up From Shit To Gold for registration again, if anyone is interested. I'll also be including a free guide to getting your studio's first paid project for those who sign up to the mailing list. Here is a before/after one of my students...
  6. brianhood

    Slate Digital Trigger 2 and fast snare hits

    +1 on the midi option. I convert all drums to midi before resampling. Just side note that Trigger 2 hasn't been updated in over 2 years, so you may run into glitches. For example, with Trigger 2 in Pro tools 12.4, MIDI resampling is a clusterfuck of massive proportions. I did manage to find...
  7. brianhood

    What to charge for a song...

    This is a great article every single freelancer needs to read. I'm in the process of adapting the content of this article for my blog geared towards audio engineers, but it should still make sense for anyone who does this on the side.
  8. brianhood

    Fucking Tax Season For Home Studios (poll)

    Damn, that's great to know! I'll be sure to spread the word on that, as it wasn't something I was aware of.
  9. brianhood

    Fucking Tax Season For Home Studios (poll)

    I wish that was a thing haha. I'm sure it would help a ton of people doing audio as a side hustle.
  10. brianhood

    Fucking Tax Season For Home Studios (poll)

    The dreaded tax season has arrived, so I wrote a (hopefully helpful) article about how I handle taxes for my home studio. Whether you pay taxes for your production work or not, this is worth checking out. I cover a few good reasons to be...
  11. brianhood

    how to make a bass line cut throught the mix

    Hey Phil! What kind of bass guitar and bass strings are you using? Are the strings new? I've personally never tried putting two bass guitars into a section before, but if you post clips, it would be easier to help.
  12. brianhood

    Recording Your Sessions To Dropbox

    You can select which folders actually sync with each computer! Just go to your Dropbox preferences, then to "account" and change the settings to the "selective sync" option. The way I have it right now, I only have a few sessions synced on my laptop, and I have literally everything from...
  13. brianhood

    Recording Your Sessions To Dropbox

    I've done this while recording drums, which is typically 12+ tracks at a time. The background uploads have never been a problem for me! I'm connected to the internet 100% of the time.
  14. brianhood

    Recording Your Sessions To Dropbox

    Hey guys, I've been experimenting with recording and mixing my sessions straight to dropbox, and it's been absolutely fantastic for me. I always have a copy of the session in "the cloud", and since I have a 1,000 gig storage limit, it's more than enough for all of my active sessions. This is as...
  15. brianhood

    Mixing/Mastering From A Laptop with Ipod Headphones (for fun)

    Nice! That guy has posted so many YouTube videos that it does not surprise me. Can you link me to it?
  16. brianhood

    Mixing/Mastering From A Laptop with Ipod Headphones (for fun)

    Possibly a better option would be to remix a song I've done in the past from scratch and compare the end result.
  17. brianhood

    Mixing/Mastering From A Laptop with Ipod Headphones (for fun)

    Hey guys, I recently went through the hassle of downloading/installing pro tools 10 and all my plugins on my laptop just for a fun portable rig to do bullshit editing work remotely. I'm currently sitting at a coffee shop (doing said bullshit editing work), and I had a fun thought (probably due...
  18. brianhood

    Evertune Before/After clips (multi-track download)

    Nice test Jeff! Evertune was the second greatest thing to happen to my studio since 2014.
  19. brianhood

    what khz and bit rate do you record at and why?

    44.1/24 because I honestly can't hear a different between 48kHz and up. (at least in heavy music)
  20. brianhood

    Is the latest crop of amp sims like kemper and TSE etc killing the art of micing an amp ?

    Personally my Kemper has made me lazy as fuck when it comings to mic'ing up a real cab. So it's probably kept me from progressing my tones as much as I would have if I were to have mic'd up a real cab/amp every single time I needed a guitar tone. Just being honest.