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  1. grimmy82

    Metal 2018

    Now I am not one to support MS, but holy fuck. Looked up the case (it's a matter of public record) and there is mention of the evidence, though not in as much detail as the MS article...
  2. grimmy82

    Gamers Thread

    Played some Halo 5 yesterday with my buddy Kyle. My k/d spread was negative most games. Ugh! My last game I was +6 at least. :lol:
  3. grimmy82

    Deathfests (CADF, MDF, NDF)

    Anyone planning on going to MDF or CADF this year? I'm in for CADF but not MDF this year. 70k is something I'm considering next year as well. That would be a hell of an experience!
  4. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    Did you paint those? Those are awesome!
  5. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    Ok. Those socks are amazing. :lol:
  6. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    Yeah. I suppose in comparison to Illinois, Oregon is no frozen tundra! :lol: Yeah there was a shitload of drama and bs that happened. I heard about some more of it after I had been gone for about a year and tried to come back and defend myself against the bs that was being said. I decided to...
  7. grimmy82

    The Official Movie Thread

    Saw Black Panther about two weeks ago. Looking forward to seeing him in The Avengers: Infinity Wars. Well and Thor because....well. :lol:
  8. grimmy82

    The Official Good Television Thread

    The Last Kingdom was really good. I enjoyed the shit out of that show. I started watching Knightfall but I was having trouble staying awake for the whole show so I stopped watching. All the episodes are up for the first season though so I think I'll pick back up where I left off. Really enjoyed...
  9. grimmy82

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Geez. That's rough, Funerary_Doom. I'm sorry. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to vent. <3 I understand what you're going through. I went through a similar thing with my grandma. She had Alzheimer's and man it was tough to watch.
  10. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    Which is surprising seeing as how I can't remember what happened yesterday :tickled: Nice to see you again though, dude! :kickass:
  11. grimmy82

    The Band Name Game

  12. grimmy82

    Have you ever? *Game*

    LOL! I sometimes put on the tunes and jump in the shower. That counts, I guess. Have you ever been caught fooling around by your parents or siblings?
  13. grimmy82

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Working on a logo for my portfolio and listening to the mighty Destroyer666! Maybe I'll actually get my logo doone today! :tickled: Gonna work on some JS also. Should be a nice, chill pajama day with the dude and my lazy ass cat!
  14. grimmy82

    The BEST Video Games Ever?

    Halo - the whole series; I frequently play Halo 5 with my good buddy Kyle The Witcher 3 - Instead of actually playing the main story, I spent a lot of time playing Gwent. I finally did beat the main quest though Skyrim - The Macho Man dragons mod nearly killed me from laughter. I had to...
  15. grimmy82


    I love Discord! My fiancee's friends and I use it all the time. We met the guys who created it at Pax NW. Nice guys!
  16. grimmy82

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    I've been on a kick with these guys for the last month (minus a week or so where I was listening to Septicflesh and Dark Funeral).
  17. grimmy82

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    God damn. This album is fucking good!
  18. grimmy82

    Metal 2018

    The new one from D666 is quite excellent. Looking forward to seeing them live twice next week!
  19. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    That's a name I thought I'd never hear again. Wish that guy nothing but the best and hope he's well. Your name is familiar. Did we play Halo together? Anyway good to be back again. Even though I hate cold weather, I was convinced by my fiancee to move to the frozen tundra of Oregon a few months...
  20. grimmy82

    The pics thread

    I used to post on here a long time ago and pretty much every picture of me on here was in my Belphegor shirt. :tickled: I was obnoxious AF! I went around fighting with people all over this board who I felt insulted my friend at the time. I've mellowed out quite considerably since then. Getting...