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  1. The StabbinCabin

    Harm's Way - Infestation - Drum Cover Video

    I can see how you'd not really dig the kick, but I was intentionally going for a distorted tape sound. Good amount of Softube Tape and Decapitator going on. 22/23in dark crashes tend to sound washy lol- I'm personally all about the big washy cymbals, and the drummer happened to be as well...
  2. The StabbinCabin

    Harm's Way - Infestation - Drum Cover Video

    Yo! Haven't posted in here in a few years. If any of you OG Sneapsters are still around I'd love to hear from you! I'm still at it here in Sacramento. Anyway- a buddy of mine recently did a drum cover (and is doing more) at my spot, and my other homie handled video duties while I did sound...
  3. The StabbinCabin

    Yo Sneapsters

    Hung out with Lee Rouse the other day here in Sac and had a good laugh about the forum days... So awesome to see some of the guys here still doing it and killing it. Ola, Nolly, Joey, Eyal, Jeff Dunne, Ermin, Ryan Harvey, Seth Munson, Aaron Smith, Glenn... Really happy to see these guys...
  4. The StabbinCabin

    Yo Sneapsters

    Haven't been on this forum in forever- really since the glory days... Just wanted to say hey and if some of you OG guys wanted to reconnect or stay in touch or whatever shoot me a message or something! I'm on fb/ig pretty regularly for studio stuff- would be cool to see where everyone ended...
  5. The StabbinCabin

    Fucking Tax Season For Home Studios (poll)

    Thanks for this. In the process of getting my shit together and going through bank statements highlighting and dropping it into Excell. Unfortunately for me, these last two years are going to have to be written off as a loss. Been a while since I've been on here. New layout is cool.
  6. The StabbinCabin

    DACs for 2014/2015

    I went with the Burl and a Coleman. The soundstage is insane- it's like I have a third center monitor. I recently added a pair of BM5a MKIIs along with my Yamaha HS80s and I'm absolutely blown away with how much better the Dynaudios sound. Straight up like "Oh THERE'S the snare and vocals and...
  7. The StabbinCabin

    DACs for 2014/2015

    Haha you guys aren't helping at all! The Apogee AD/DA16x stuff is being looked into as well as the SSL. I have 2 money channel ins, so I'm looking for 4 outs minimum for stellar monitoring and printing. Just quickly, as far as treatment goes I'm pretty good. The place I moved into was...
  8. The StabbinCabin

    DACs for 2014/2015

    I've been working with a few different clients along with other jobs and finally have some big-boy money to upgrade. Is Prism, Dangerous, Lavry, Mytek, Benchmak ect still the best I could get? I'm looking to improve my D/A since I'm primarily ITB for now. Fairly set on going Coleman and...
  9. The StabbinCabin

    how would you mic-up...

    Rotate the perspective of the kit, use 3 overheads to make snare, kick and tom 2 (slightly panned) in the center image. That's how I would approach it. I wouldn't really bother trying to have him change his setup if he is consistent. Good luck!
  10. The StabbinCabin

    New Northlane

    Don't like the new vocalist as much as Adrian, he had a more unique sound to his voice. I don't like the screams at all- I get a very Rise-friendly vibe. Almost whiny? It doesn't sound bad. When I first heard Northlane, I wasn't fond of Adrian's vocals and it took time to grow on me. That...
  11. The StabbinCabin

    Salythia - "Affliction" Music Video

    Hey everyone- I just wanted to share some music of a band I've been working with for the past few weeks. I feel I owe it to them because they've helped me significantly with keeping my doors open at my studio. Anyway, young dudes and they shred pretty hard. The mix and recording process was...
  12. The StabbinCabin

    Which version of cubase do you use?

    Studio 5.5 :lol:
  13. The StabbinCabin

    Angel Du$t guitar sound.

    Sounds like a Peavey with no boost and little gain and like it may have been tracked quietly to my ears...
  14. The StabbinCabin

    Anyone with a Inward Connections VAC RAC?

    Email Kris Crummett. He responded to me about a mastering inquiry within 2 hours.
  15. The StabbinCabin

    Ashly VCA Compressor/Limiter

    Just grabbed a CL-50. That and the CS-50 are supposes to get pretty snappy like a DBX160 but they have variable attack/release. No threshold. They're supposed to be pretty cool with mods, which I plan on doing and posting results. Any dudes on here using these on the usual applications...
  16. The StabbinCabin

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  17. The StabbinCabin

    Any locksmiths/safecrackers on here?

    Damn, time flies... I just laughed out loud at my own comments. Remembered this thread but forgot that I had even posted hahaha great bump
  18. The StabbinCabin

    NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)

    Cool band, I dig it. Keep it up!
  19. The StabbinCabin

    Eyal Levi - Advanced Drum Production (streaming ATM)

    :err:Yeah... My point was that the convenience makes people lazy instead of trying to figure something out and create something with their own technique and improve. Otherwise where would you say the laziness comes from...? I'm not saying you can't get good sounding product from these...