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  1. C

    The BEST Video Games Ever?

    I gotta say Banjo Kazooie on N64...the original, which is now available on XBL Marketplace.
  2. C

    Bass Drops Question

    Seriously? 8 days after I posted this....43 views later....not even one response?
  3. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    very much agreed....for instance "Annotations of An Autopsy" the only understandable lyrics are the chants...."When I'm done with you, you won't have a cunt left." And "She bled from every fucking hole."
  4. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    hehe true about death metal you would decapitate her, in grindcore you would bree in her reet-ree, but in deathcore you would rape her in every orifice of her being then amputate her salty clitoris (actual lyrics)
  5. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    Deathcore is a combination of elements of death metal and metalcore (sometimes hardcore and thrash as well). It's basically death metal slowed down with more obvious breakdowns. and unfortunately....a LOT of people bash it :(
  6. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    lmao yeah I know what you mean about Fairy Fray and Festering Fiesta...very cheesy...unfortunately a lot of bands are doing that now days. Even more so in the grindcore genre. For instance, Gutteral Secrete...with song titles like "Gluttonous Portions of Intestines," "Reek of Pubescent...
  7. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    I completely understand what you're saying. That's very true. I tend to listen to bands that have a LOT of stuff that I love though. For instance, Born of Osiris...I love every second of their debut album "The New Reign." The album has 8 songs (pretty short for a full length) and I love...
  8. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    I think it's pretty obvious what that I stated earlier, it seems like everyone who knows them is like oh yeah suicide silence pull the trigger bitch...making that pretty much the sole reason they are popular. Most SS "fans" know "No Pity for a Coward" and maybe "Unanswered" or...
  9. C

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Emmure - Goodbye To The Gallows The Faceless - Planetary Duality Salt The Wound - Carnal Repercussions Sea of Treachery - At Daggers Drawn Born of Osiris - The New Reign
  10. C

    screams and grunts precision on tips

    I'll give you a couple short tips. I do deathcore vocals...highs/lows/gutterals/squeals. Drink luke warm water when you want to practice. If it's too cold it closes up your throat a bit. The number one thing you need to be careful about is do NOT use voice. You will RUIN your throat. That...
  11. C

    Anyone on Xbox Live?

    My gamertag is literally my name lol, Garrett Whitley. Feel free to add me, I'm on a decent bit. Mainly play FPS's or Guitar Hero.
  12. C

    My Sincere Take on Suicide Silence

    Personally I hope for some better new stuff from these guys on their next CD. I think they are one of the most overrated bands in their genre. They have SOOO much talent, but it seems to me that they barely use it. Most of their CD sounds the exact same to me...they never seem to change it up or...
  13. C

    Bass Drops Question

    I recently purchased a Roland SPDS mixer for my band. I was wondering if any of you guys know anywhere I could find some sick bass drops to use for our live shows. Not dinky little booms. I mean BOOMS! Like an earthquake just hit. So far my search has come up empty handed and all I have are the...
  14. C

    What's up guys?

    I'm the CrazyInsomniac and I just stumbled upon this site today. I'm a huge metal fan, deathcore to be more specific. I do vocals for a band called Postmortem Prophecy. I can't go 10 minutes without listening to music, so I think I will fit in well here. Some of my favorite bands...