Big Mic Pre test (Neve, API etc)


Aug 2, 2007
This was mainly for myself but I thought it would be useful to everyone.
I used Jaymz brilliant Nevermore DI pack for this test.

Signal chain was:
Apogee Ensemble Thunderbolt re-amp output to TS808 to Triple Rectifier to Rectifier cab to SM57 to mic pre to Ensemble line in. Zed-R16 is using it's own AD.
Included mic pres are Don NV73, API A2D, Universal Audio LA610, Focusrite ISA220, Apogee Ensemble's own Pres, Allen and Heath Zed-r16.
Any pres with saturation options were set up to sound at their best (to me).
Download this ZIP and import to your DAW

As a requested extra, here is API and Neve on 6505. Import to the same session.

If you find this useful, please give my studio page a "like"

Looking forward to hearing opinions

As an example of the overall sound; here is the NV73 in the mix.
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Just gave it a fair listen, Neve wins easily imho and the difference is not even that subtle. LA610 has a Neve-ish vibe but is a tad too mellow. API sounds surprisingly bad here, most likely Mesa and API together exaggerate that scooped+boomy character I really don't like. Ensemble is API-ish but boomy low end, and ISA just too harsh imho.
Just gave it a fair listen, Neve wins easily imho and the difference is not even that subtle. LA610 has a Neve-ish vibe but is a tad too mellow. API sounds surprisingly bad here, most likely Mesa and API together exaggerate that scooped+boomy character I really don't like. Ensemble is API-ish but boomy low end, and ISA just too harsh imho.

I am liking the Neve too.
Just for you, here are API and Neve on 6505. :)
Just download and import to the other session