Chicago Powerfest '06/Thanks!!


Nov 3, 2004
Heya Guys!!
Just wanted to post here and say THANKS for a helluva weekend!! I actually got sweaty during Morgana Lefay's set (get yer minds out of the gutters hehehe). The whole weekend rocked!! Hey what's say we all make a date to do it again next year eh? ;) Whatever happens you know we will be there for a kick a$$ show!!:headbang: :worship:
See ya guys soon!
Powerfest was a blast!
I was only able to make it to Saturday though.......

Since this is ION VEIN's board, I will comment on their performance.
I have my review on various other boards (Powerfest, Prog Power, etc).

Bottom line, IV killed! The new stuff sounds amazing. I had only heard the new stuff once before when IV opened for Sonata Arctica earlier in the year. The new stuff is very catchy and memorable, as I found myself singing along after only hearing them for the 2nd time! That's a good sign in a new song.

Let's talk about the cover of "Painkiller" That was without a doubt one of the best live cover songs I have ever heard. The vocals and music were dead on, plus played with extreme intensity.

Bottom line, an amazing performance. I am sure you guys gained many new fans. Can't wait for the new one. Hope you guys can hook up with a more competent label this time!!! It's a shame when good bands land on a label that doesn't support their bands well.

One question for the band: Was the 2nd guitarist a guest, or a permanent member? He was a good performer and a nice addition to the live sound.