Did Romney shoot himself in the foot with the 47% comment

Jerry Jabber

That's Right, HALLO!!!
Sep 10, 2008

While there is some truth to what Romney is saying, that people need to be responsible, take care of themselves, compared to those that do nothing (not paying income taxes, etc...) and expect the government to take care of them, not everyone considered to be in this "47%" is like that. Yeah, sure there are lazy bastards that find loopholes and other ways to stay on welfare, get SSI, and other ways to scam the system, but just for Romney to come out and say what he did is just pure stupidity!! There are a lot of people that have physical disabilities that prevents them from working, in which they rely upon assitance programs. IMO, whatever shot Romney had of winning the election, just went down the drain :wave:

While there is some truth to what Romney is saying, that people need to be responsible, take care of themselves, compared to those that do nothing (not paying income taxes, etc...) and expect the government to take care of them, not everyone considered to be in this "47%" is like that. Yeah, sure there are lazy bastards that find loopholes and other ways to stay on welfare, get SSI, and other ways to scam the system, but just for Romney to come out and say what he did is just pure stupidity!! There are a lot of people that have physical disabilities that prevents them from working, in which they rely upon assitance programs. IMO, whatever shot Romney had of winning the election, just went down the drain :wave:

The government needs to crack down on the people, businesses and professionals that abuse the system with fraudulent claims. Add in illegal immigrants who are able to get benefits and are system is on a crash course. I begrudge no one that needs the help but I can't stand what a racket it has become to be on government subsidies when not needed. There are too many collecting benefits that don't need it that it hurts the people that do need help. We have made people lazy in regards to taking jobs when they can sit back and make the same amount plus get hospitalization at no costs. The well is running dry!!
The government needs to crack down on the people, businesses and professionals that abuse the system with fraudulent claims. Add in illegal immigrants who are able to get benefits and are system is on a crash course. I begrudge no one that needs the help but I can't stand what a racket it has become to be on government subsidies when not needed. There are too many collecting benefits that don't need it that it hurts the people that do need help. We have made people lazy in regards to taking jobs when they can sit back and make the same amount plus get hospitalization at no costs. The well is running dry!!

What Romney doesn't seem to understand when he cherry picks that 47%# is that it is made up of retirees, people with student loans, G.I. loan recipients , the disabled and a thousand other worthy programs. He simply lumped everyone that gets Gov. help into takers, like they are all welfare recipients. Just as many Republicans get these benefits as Democrats and which is why I think the election is over. Imagine the never ending tv spots coming up with Romney saying, 'It's not my job to worry about those people".

Who gets hospitalization at no cost and where can i sign up?