eBay Woes


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
I've been using ebay a lot to get rid of some of the audio equipment I don't use anymore. And I'm down to selling a couple of things via eBay now. But about 3 to 4 times in a row someone has bid on something and then not pay and then give no response. And these aren't items with just 1 bid, some of them received as many as 20 bids during auction.

On the buyers end, when I bought the Focusrite Saffire 14 pro, I paid for the item within 24 hours, but ebay says payment is still processing, Paypal says the payment status is unclaimed. I'm getting the money straight from my available paypal funds (from a month old transaction) so there isn't an insufficient funds issue because it can just withdraw from my bank account if PayPal is a bit short. But it's been a while now and after no response from the seller I almost want to cancel the transaction all together. :mad:

Is ebay getting this way for anyone else lately?

Edit: Usually I've been pretty good with eBay (100% rating for 4 years still) up until the last couple of weeks when all this nonsense started.
After 7 days, you can file an unpaid item claim and I think you get to relist the item for free. Personally, I always hated auctions, I just set a buy it now price for how much I want to make and let it roll. List for 10 days on Thursday night and you get two weekends, ending on a Sunday so you can ship it Monday.