encrimson'd - the agrarian menace....

a review i did for this incredible cd...


"Agrarian Menace"

6 Tracks 47 Mins

1. Red Boar Inn Revolt
2. The Piper's Tale
3. Old Man
4. My Feast
5. Amber Shades
6. As echoes down fall

After a largely slower, doomy afternoons worth of reviews for Esoteric, Forsaken and the like, ENCRIMSON'D are a bit of a storm amidst the calm. Love the artwork on the cover which is an Andrew Danacek adaptation of a Jean-Francois Miller piece, and the quite strangely atmosphered intro.

What we have here is rather sinister and a little out of the ordinary black metal, what sets it apart is the vocals, one half grim, one half shouted back ups. Very strange but has a certain charm, very theatrical as if 50 small, frightened, fighting demons have joined in. There are also some deathly rasps and grind frog burp gurgles thrown in for ultimate cross dissection of the styles.

Musically, during "Red Boar Inn Revolt" I hear Ancient, Satyricon, Ved Buens Ende and early Ulver, there are some beautifully orchestrated cleaner parts. This is almost like listening to a turn of the 19th Century stage Opera set to a black metal and epic atmospheric death soundscape. Very bewildering. Very original and very well performed. The only thing letting this down a touch is the production, a little too raw in parts, and with vocals a touch high and open in the mix, but it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of such a brilliantly crafted 8 minute opener, or the very classically influenced "The Piper's Tale". In parts the vocals are almost comical, some of the rants during the hyper fast "Old Man" make me smile, but they sound so damn good and work so well with the music, this is a good thing. Some stunning chords during this track as well, just wish the drums were louder in the final ensemble.

Even overlooking the name, "My Feast" shows us what KING Crimson playing black metal might sound like and ENCRIMSON'D create such brilliant imagery within the opening clean sounds, before the hysterical (in delivery, emotion and angst, not in humour) scream at the start signals the start of another battering piece. Rest assured the final 2 tracks continue on the insanity, having the early At The Gates style riffage with clean, twee guitar notes and downbeat mood, and also throwing in moments that touch the hat to earlier Darkthrone, Gorgoroth for the classical edge and some of the Eastern European black metal acts.

ENCRIMSON'D are a very unique band, and damn impressive at what they are doing. Fully deserve a large signing, a massive production and an opportunity to put their completely fresh take on melodic and progressive black and death metal into a new dimension.

Truly different, fantastic recording.


taken from http://www.rawnervepromotions.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8795