Epoch of Unlight - The Continuum Hypothesis


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Epoch of Unlight – The Continuum Hypothesis
The End Records – TEO53 – March 8th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Those of you familiar with Epoch of Unlight are familiar with them either because of their music, or that news clip in which Tino LoSicco (drums) offered his opinions about Henry Rollins’s self-righteous contribution to the “West Memphis Three” defense fund. In said clip, Slipknot are laughably referred to as “speed metal.” Fast-forward a few years, though, and enter The Continuum Hypothesis.

Essentially, the album is a conglomeration of black/death/thrash metal that showcases plenty of frenetic instrumentation, energetic vocalizations, and everything a meat-and-potatoes release should contain. Epoch of Unlight aren’t radically different from exemplifications we’ve heard before, unfortunately, but they are pleasing to the ear. “The Continuum Hypothesis,” “Under Starside Skies,” and “Argentum Era Secui Duos” are solidifications of the aforementioned statements. LoSicco is a well-balanced drummer, and his rhythms became the focal point several times. Cook’s distorted vocals – while a caliber less than full-on, black vox – are average yet somewhat compelling. At times, the band sounds like a cleaner Crimson Moonlight, circa Veil of Remembrance. “Highgate” appears as if it will be the one to slow the tempo, but it relishes speediness as do the other tracks. “Broken Pendulum” has a main riff that is distinctly Enslaved. And, “Aberrant Shadows” and “Quicksilver to Ash” fly by quickly, as do “Denubrum” and “The Scarlet Thread.”

Thus, Epoch of Unlight’s The Continuum Hypothesis can be deemed safe for almost all hard music fans, because it’s an amalgamation of numerous genres. Hybrids can be really cool sometimes. Needless to say, The End Records has risen to task once again.


Official Epoch of Unlight website
Official The End Records website