First recording posted in this forum. Opinions needed!


New Metal Member
Jan 9, 2010
Hello everyone,

This is my first post in these amazing forums. After several years reading and learning from you I finally made my first "serious" recording (in the sense of time dedication).

I want to show you my band's EP, recorded, mixed and mastered by myself at home. Please check out our bandcamp profile:

Although the work is already published, I'm very interested in some feedback from you guys.

Let me apologize in advance for our problems with English language.

Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks WalhallaM for your feedback!

Drums are programmed and played using Superior Drummer. The base kit is Avatar with some Metal foundry cymbals. Kick drum is replaced.

I'm well aware that there is a very high level here in the forum, and I'm far from achieving what it can be considered a PRO sound. For this reason, your feedback would be really useful for me in order to try to improve.

I know the recording has lacks in several aspects (loose performance...), but for sure it's possible to make it sound better. I can provide more details in the recording if somebody is interested :)

Thank you guys for your help!
i like it!! really like the graphic you got there too of the hand/tree! very creative.

just a couple comments.. the overall mix sounds a little narrow to me. especially the kit. I might bring up the band behind the vox a little too. not much, just a tad. might want to tame those upper highs on the cymbal hits that reoccur (e.g. 1:52).

overall - the quality of the mix is top notch! i really like the beginning. you can tell you're really paying attention to frequencies as a whole. good job!