Guitar Bus question


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2012
What is the general rule of thumb for the guitar bus? Like if I have my left and right guitars sent to the bus, how much of them do I send to the bus? and how loud do you keep the buss turned up in relation to the guitar tracks?
General rule of thumb is to put a chorus on your guitar buss for a really wide effect. :)
By definition, the whole guitar signal is sent to the bus, as the bus = grouping. If you're taking a split it's called an auxiliary send.

There aren't really any rules of thumb, it's just what sounds good, and what you like.

Saying that, I often tend to put an LA3a style comp on the bus, often not even pulling any dB, just because I like the way it pushes the mids. If it's just double tracked (1 left, 1 right), I sometimes add a small amount of pitch shift in parallel to help widen and thicken the sound.
I separate my rhythm guitars from any solos or other lead work.

I have rhythm guitars bussed with a very light bit of compression which is side chained to the lead guitars, this allows the rhythm guitars to duck a little bit during solos.

Sometimes it sounds a little unnatural though so I'll automate if that is the case.