How do diehard fans feel about DW?

Just found threshold on youtube a few days ago, it's all good, DW voice seems to fit the band really well, Have'nt checked the other singers out yet.
There will be a number of Landmarq songs on the DWB tour and we are hoping to film at least one of the shows.

Now I can die happy. ^^

And not being sexist or anything but I find it very hard to relate with female vocalist.

Not hard for me. I just don't like her voice. She sounds like a strict British school teacher. You know, with her hair in a bun and those big wrong 70's glasses, tellin' you off...

The DVD is for sure with Tracy and not with Damian. Such a pitty !

Well, not -entirely-. There's one bootleg performance of Landmarq with Damian performing Killing Fields (love that song, btw). However the cameraman used a wrong setting...autofocus? Meaning the images get blurry when things move, and Damian moved a lot, so you barely get a good glimpse of him.

The rest is with Tracy.
Can't understand or agree, sorry.
Good thing Threshold doesn't have a femme vocalist then...for now, at least.
I can't relate to any female vocalists...not just Tracy. I don't have any recordings with lead female vocalists.

I love female vocalists but havent heard any in "metal" that thrill me. Ann Wilson (of Heart) and Benetar always struck a cord for me. About the only two in rock that worked for me, I hated Blondie and Joan Jet. The woman that sang Mary on Queensryche MC is awesome . Otherwise they are the best for mellow music and typically dont have what it takes for hard driven stuff.

Joplin ruled !
I love female vocalists but havent heard any in "metal" that thrill me. Ann Wilson (of Heart) and Benetar always struck a cord for me. About the only two in rock that worked for me, I hated Blondie and Joan Jet. The woman that sang Mary on Queensryche MC is awesome . Otherwise they are the best for mellow music and typically dont have what it takes for hard driven stuff.

Joplin ruled !

Doh! You should try female metal band DRAIN! They made two albums, both great. The debut is a bit less direct and have more progmetal tendencies though.