Last.FM anyone?


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
anyone out there using this?

it's fairly intersting - it tracks what you listen to on your selected MP3 player on your computer and compiles a datapase of your TOP 10, weekly top 20 and currently listening favorites.

pretty cool actually - and fairly accurate to some extent. :Spin:
you can view my personal page here:

keep in mind, my wife also uses the same log-in on our computer - so some songs might be a little questionable or overplayed a bit more than others. LOL! :loco:

White Lion?? Richard Marx????!!!!!
What have you done with Dustin!!!!!! We demand he be brought back immediately.

Oh sure, blame it on the wife........ :)

J-Dubya 777 said:
White Lion?? Richard Marx????!!!!!
What have you done with Dustin!!!!!! We demand he be brought back immediately.

Oh sure, blame it on the wife........ :)


Yeah - who is the imposter! :D o_O

okay... I'm the Richard Marx fan, so let me crawl up onto my cross... LMAO!!!

No... it is not an illigal site that is making money off of your music.

It is actually a site where people dowload a "scrobble" program, which tracks what they are listening to thorugh their iTunes, Winamp, Realaudio via their CD-rom player, MP3 player or harddrive on their computer. It breaks down the bands and songs, how many times they have played the band/songs and so forth.

In a nut shell, this shows you who is listening to your band and how often!

Pretty cool little you can see from my signiture below, it shows what I've been listing to recently. This is what is all about.