Lee, while you're there...

I had a delivery notification that my message was "delayed" so I sent another one from our mutual email-address. It should be there already, though...
I got the £40 (not very well disguised! You were lucky!), and I got the link. Unfortunately I'm still running a fucking 28.8k link at home until my ADSL line is put in (First week of april apparently..). I tried to download the track three times, but I lost the connection each time and now I can't be arsed to try again.

Seems I'll have to wait for the CD :(

Lee_B said:
Seems I'll have to wait for the CD /forum/images/smilies/frown.gif
Well, it won't be that bad. mastering is on friday, I'll burn the copies when I get back home and we'll try to send the cd's out on monday...:)