
Mar 28, 2006
We've probably been over this before but figured while its quiet here...wth!

To the regulars here...we all know how special the Bone Carver is. The epic story, the killer songs, an amazing performance from each member at the given time etc. My first impression was like holy shit...maybe an instant classic? Yet there was so much to take in and listen to. Literally a journey for our minds and ears, as is the journey of the Bone Carver. Now that the LOTBC has somewhat stood the test of time, I personally would have to say its my alltime favorite cd. From TYR to MAIDEN...AMON AMARTH to PAGANS MIND...great bands / music alike. Yet the Bone Carver still pretty much melts my cd collection everytime I spin it.

Thoughts from the regulars...the Pyrawarriors as to the LOTBC's place in your Pyramaze collection and or place in your overall metal collection.

hope all are having a great summer...cheerz!
Well said, Muz! Yeah, it's still an amazing album. Currently there is only one album that I like even more than this one: Modus Vivendi of Tad Morose.

Funny thing is that I thought Immortal would be the ultimate album, due to Pyramaze being my favorite band and Matt Barlow my favorite singer at that time.

However, I still love Immortal, but LOTBC is just so much better. The slightly more progressive touch, the songs themselves, the great bass outro of She Who Summoned Me (never heard anything like it in any other metal song), the cover artwork, yeah, and I even like the vocals better. The only thing that I could live without is the narration. It's ok in the intro and Blood Red Skies, but I had certainly not used it on What Lies Beyond and Tears Of Hate. If it wasn't for the narration, it would be hard to pick my no.1 album.

I am really curious what the next Pyramaze album will sound like. Having Urban on vocals could definitely be an advantage – well, I also said that before Immortal was released... so let's just see what happens. However, those three albums already released will always be in my list of favorites.

In the meantime I guess the debut album of Trail of Murder might see the light of day. With two ex-members of Tad Morose (Urban and Daniel Olsson) that could be more than interesting...

So, I guess we just have to stay patient – business as usual. ;)


PS: Great summer? Well, I try to enjoy it as much as possible, but low temperatures and much rain make it a bit more difficult than usual...
Yeah LOTBC was a great album- and I agree, I think I could do without the narrations... I read an interview a while back with Lance King and he even said that he though the narrations were cheesy. I still think that my favourite Pyramaze album is their first- Melancholy Beast- mainly because it was the album that got me into the band.

I love Immortal too- Barlow's comeback with Pyramaze was awesome and I thought he was a great match to their sound. Immortal did sound a bit different compared to the other albums- I think it was less proggy and more epic metal sounding.

Both Lance and Barlow are two of my all time favorite singers, so having them on Pyramaze albums was awesome.

I'm sure the new stuff with Urban will be just as awesome- I need to find more Tad Morose to listen to! All I have are the first two albums (without Urban on vox) and Matters of the Dark (which is a fun album to listen to).

My only wish: more updates on what's going on in the Pyra-world!
Concure with you both.

And Modus Vivendi is really great too!!!

I would have most likely preferred more complete songs in place of the narrative stuff on the Carver. But the narrative stuff fits in well with the overall picture imo. The fact that all the other (non-narrative) songs are so rediculously great...I can live with it. Immortal is real good...as is Matts performance. But it just doesnt do it for me as much as LOTBC...and Lance's vocals of course. Sonically, I also prefer Morts and Nils rhythm section on LOTBC...thier groove and overall sound is more prominent. The overall production is damn near perfect!

Its also nice to see recent positive comments from newer fans and such on Youtube and other sources etc when it comes to LOTBC. People are still finding it and being blown away by it....as well as Pyramaze's other releases. I've never been more excited for an upcoming release as to the one with Urban. I hope the band can feed us some more news soon and hope they realize the positive impact they have on the metal community, the newer fans, and of course on us Pyra-warriors!
You know, I decided to listen to LOTBC from start to finish today. Kind of random that you guys have this thread going about it. I just have to say that I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to contribute to that album. I mean, Michael did such an amazing job writing the music and lyrics, Im still blown away by the whole thing. I can tell you one thing about that album that makes it different to me, which is that that is the only Pyramaze record we did with complete immersion (i.e we lived at the studio for three weeks together). I think that effected the quality of our work in a really awesome way. The brotherhood that we experienced shines through in the finished product. The other guys each contributed such amazing performances and creativity as well. The overall message of the album being of course that good conquers evil, which I have always felt to be true.
It means so much to me to read you guys' comments about this album and how it has touched your lives, even all these years later. Just wanted to say thanks for that.
Pyramaze is hard at work now, so keep your ears to the grindstone ladies and gents. Your humble keyboardist -Jonah W.
Woah! Jonah, that hit me like a ton of bricks!

I don't know what to say...other than I'm obviously a huge fan of yours and the band. We were very lucky to have your contributions to the LOTBC...amazing stuff! LOTBC its simply a masterpiece. Michael's somewhat short but powerful contribution to the metal world will never be forgotten and I hope he knows that. We are all very lucky to have his efforts!

And I'll say this as a proud PYRAWARRIOR. Not too many band members out there will speak of a "brotherhoood with such humblness" as Jonah has related and mentioned when recording in the past. I think there is sum'n to be said for that. It counts, it plays out in the music.

As I stumbled back to this forum...was listening to tracks from Immortal. March Thru And Endless Rain is by far the best track imo. Jonah, please keep that type of shit up on the next Pyramaze CD...its almighty epic! And make sure that all the PYRAMAZE members spend atleast "3-weeks" holed-up and together when recording the next CD...lol.
What Lies Beyond was my first Pyramaze song. It literally blew my mind, my girl was there at the time when I first heard it on myspace and my jaw literally hit the floor and my pulse started racing. I immediately went online and bought Melancholy Beast and LOTBC without hearing anything else, and they have been in constant rotation ever since.

As far as my feelings on LOTBC, they are easily summed up right here

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Thanks, Jonah, for your kind words. Good to know it's also a special album for you! :kickass:

Thorns, the song I heard first was Souls In Pain, but I also ordered both albums without knowing much more. And I surely never did regret it. :)
I love this album. Definitely one of my top albums of all time. I find it hard to put them into positions, but suffice to say that this album has definitely stood the test of time for me and stands tall with albums like In Search Of Truth by Evergrey and Isolate by Circus Maximus.
I can listen to LOTBC at any time and it makes me want to listen to it as soon as the naration begins. Such moving music is hard to come by.
Hey guys!
Reading the comments in this thread really moves me. Thank you all so much!
Writing LOTBC was indeed a huge undertaking, and a lot of heart blood (and many-many hours) was put into the story, the lyrics and the music.
What Jonah says is true. This record is special (or at least it feels that way to us) because we were locked up in the studio together for weeks. No distractions, just Pyramaze 24 hours a day. When that studio sessions ended, and we all had to go back to our everyday lives, it almost brought tears to my eyes. I felt like my normal job was a fucking brainwash, and my eyes were opened when we were pursuing our dreams creating that album together. Only few moments in life feel truly magical, and this was certainly one of them. I still cherish the whole experience a lot. And knowing that this album means so much to you guys is an awesome feeling!

In time I hope I will find my way back to music. I still feel the passion burning inside, and sometimes I have a clear idea for a song or some lyrics that just pop into my mind. I just don't have the time to pursue it right now. In the mean time I'm excited so hear what Jonah and the boys will come up with for the next Pyramaze album. The guys deserve a lot of respect and hopefully they will find a good label that know what Pyramaze is all about.

To all the Pyra-warriors…. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Michael Kammeyer
I'm so glad I started this (revisited) thread...lol.

GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU MIKE! And your most welcome. But again, the thanks goes to you and the band. I hope all is well with you and glad to hear about the passion and the possibility of you returning in time.

Hey Michael!

Thanks for your kind words! But as Muz summed up well, it's due to the music that YOU have written why we all are here. :)

Good to see that you pop in here every now and then. I hope you are alright?

Whatever Jonah, Urban and the others might come up with, I guess it will sound a bit different (hence you are not the songwriter) but I trust that the spirit of Pyramaze will be present nonetheless.

Back @ Redcriss. I've been playing the crap out of Modus Vivendi (again)!...lol.

According to TM...they finally began recording thier new album Revenant.

Also, have you heard the German metal band-Rebellion? When I first heard some of thier stuff...they reminded me a bit of TM. I think they are a real good band in thier own right.
Back @ Redcriss. I've been playing the crap out of Modus Vivendi (again)!...lol.

According to TM...they finally began recording thier new album Revenant.

Also, have you heard the German metal band-Rebellion? When I first heard some of thier stuff...they reminded me a bit of TM. I think they are a real good band in thier own right.

Hehe, yeah, this album still does not get boring, no matter how many spins it gets. Though it's hard to pick my favorite song(s) there, I'd say it's Afraid To Die, Take On The World and Cyberdome... What are yours?

Finally recording a new album? Can't believe it, but I'm curious what TM will sound like on their next album.

Thanks for the recommendation of Rebellion. No, I did not hear anything of them before. True, a bit of TM I noticed there, but much more of another German band, Grave Digger. Thus, I read a few details about Rebellion and found out, that some former Grave Digger members are in this band... or were, they seem to change their members on a regularly basis. However, while I like the music of both bands, I don't really like the vocals much. I know I'm very picky when it comes to singers... damn, sometimes I ask myself why I can't be a bit more open minded regarding singers... then I could enjoy many more bands' music.

By the way, singers, I guess you have heard the new album of Communic? Same there with me: I love the opening track, those riffs are really amazing, and I even "like" the vocals on that song, but I can't listen to the whole album at once due to those vocals.

Guess my faves would be No Mercy (love it), Anubis (great intro) and Cyberdome. I'm the same (picky) way as far as vocals. However, I have recently opened up to some bands / vocals that I typically would have stayed away from in the past. Insomnium, Before The Dawn, Turisas, even Amon Amarth...but only like a few tunes from these bands. I'll never really love these bands mainly because of the vocals. Vocals are the most important instrument imo so to speak.

I have heard the new Communic and don't mind Oddliefs vocal style at all. Unfortunately, I'm just not overall crazy with thier new CD. Have to give it more spins...because they have been a more recent favorite of mine. I feel the same way towards Pagans Minds and thier new CD as well. Not that I think any less of these bands...just not too crazy about the latest releases for whatever reasons.

Guess my faves would be No Mercy (love it), Anubis (great intro) and Cyberdome. I'm the same (picky) way as far as vocals. However, I have recently opened up to some bands / vocals that I typically would have stayed away from in the past. Insomnium, Before The Dawn, Turisas, even Amon Amarth...but only like a few tunes from these bands. I'll never really love these bands mainly because of the vocals. Vocals are the most important instrument imo so to speak.

Good to see others being picky as well. Though I happen to like some not only clean singing vocalists as well... Opeth are one of my favorite bands, also due to the vocals, the singers of Amon Amarth and Immortal I also like. And for some strange reason, when I'm in the right mood, I even like King Diamond. :D
I think i've put my two cents on this a long time ago.
LOTBC was and still is my favorite album. It's just so beautiful. The journey of the Bone Carver is one that relates to all our souls. I abosolutely Love it.
P.S. Whens the new Dance of the Mourning Child CD coming-? :D