Mercury Tide - Why?


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Century Media - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


Never before has a title of an album applied so well to the general feeling I have for this release: Why was this released?

Mercury Tide features singer and guitarist Dirk Thurisch of Angel Dust and before you begin to get excited that this is the continuation of that band you are going to be in store for a big and disappointing surprise. Why? is stuck in a melodic, melancholic, mid-tempo rut throughout its entirety that its maddening and unbearable to listen in one sitting. It starts off fairly well with the title track “Why?” but the keyboard melody is just a total rip-off from the Angel Dust catalogue and I can not get past the all too obvious similarities. From there it is all downhill and all one can do is say “Why?” over and over and it is not a supporting chant of the album.

The Angel Dust similarities apply to “Lost and Torn” as well and it is actually fast and heavy but once again it is just does nothing to distinguish itself from Dirk’s old band, there is no identity in this band and that feeling is found all through the album. Yes Dirk you were in Angel Dust but would it be too much to ask from some originality and not just make a cheap and outright crappy imitation?

If you want to listen to Angel Dust, listen to one of their albums and avoid the fate of asking yourself the very title of this release.

Century Media Website
Mercury Tide Official Website