telephone fade in?


Sep 25, 2011
I am not sure what the effect is called, but how do you do the effect where the entire band sounds like they are playing through a am radio or phone, then it slowly turns into full tone. below is an example, it starts around the 7 second mark. thanks
you just apply a high pass and low pass filter. Try highpassing around 300 and low passing to 10khz. Maybe boost around 1.5khz and 2.3khz as well. Just experiment with that and you should get what you're looking for. There are also plugins you can get that make that type of effect. In Cubase there is a "grungelizer" which makes it sound like an old record player which actually sounds close to the telephone effect.
my daw is reaper. i can get the sound i am looking for, the problem i am not sure about is how it fades in and out. Is it automating the mix?
thanks for your replay
you're saying how to get the effect to gradually decrease? What you do is just add a add a highpass filter and automate it so it gradually decreases. You could do it also with a lowpass filter depending on the sound you want.
Insert ReaEQ on master track, HP at like 700, LP at 2k or so. Distort if you like.

Click the "Env" button on the master track.

Locate a checkbox that says "WET". Click that check box. A lane for automation now opens under the master track in the media bay (where all your tracks are and stuff).

Insert a couple points and draw an automation curve from 100% wet to 0% wet.

Should sound like this
Insert ReaEQ on master track, HP at like 700, LP at 2k or so. Distort if you like.

Click the "Env" button on the master track.

Locate a checkbox that says "WET". Click that check box. A lane for automation now opens under the master track in the media bay (where all your tracks are and stuff).

Insert a couple points and draw an automation curve from 100% wet to 0% wet.

Should sound like this

I wouldn't automate mix knob but frequencies of each band to ope sounds.
When I do this stuff I probably add overdrive on master track and automate mix on it after it add EQ with Hi-pass somewhere 700 and experiment with resonance (if add resonance that automate that too to take it off) + lowpass around 2k and also try resonance (if I remember last time I put there resonance more than on HP)
There is my example
Oh i know what you mean, what you do is set the High Pass Filter to about like 1400 or something (to your taste ) then automate to go back to whatever you want like 70 hz or something to when you want it to become full.
I wouldn't automate mix knob but frequencies of each band to ope sounds.
When I do this stuff I probably add overdrive on master track and automate mix on it after it add EQ with Hi-pass somewhere 700 and experiment with resonance (if add resonance that automate that too to take it off) + lowpass around 2k and also try resonance (if I remember last time I put there resonance more than on HP)
There is my example

I don't like the way the frequencies "sweep" under outward automation curve. An audible "flange" just feels wrong to me.
Would go for automation of the wet/dry knob too. Had the idea for a song intro some time ago and tried exactly the same. Worked fine for me. But I additionally automated the stereo width. It just does not feel like an old radio or phone if it's stereo.
I don't like the way the frequencies "sweep" under outward automation curve. An audible "flange" just feels wrong to me.

I wouldn't call that as "flange" but that sweep was what I intended to do, because I wanted sound to morph into full sound (opens) rather fade out telephone and bring in full sound.
You can automate resonance faster so that resonance sweep doesn't cut that much.