Truth Custom Black and Gold drum sample question


Fariz Pahlevi
Mar 3, 2011
Hi all :)
stupid newbie question about custom black and gold drum sample, do I need procced them heavy or just leave it "as is" ? lol

usually I HPF kick on 50hz and LPF on 10k for snare HPF on 120-150hz and LPF on 12khz + Gclip and compress it via drum bus. it's that right ? :D

Thanks !
There's a thread on processing Joey samples I believe. Might wanna try there. But process as needed. Use your ears and figure what sounds best for your mix dude.
There's a thread on processing Joey samples I believe. Might wanna try there. But process as needed. Use your ears and figure what sounds best for your mix dude.

As PeterPaul said, use your ears and do what sounds best in the mix. There's really no 'universal processing' or 'right' processing, it's whatever fits the mix and sounds good.

thanks for answer my question :) . I'll try to make it sound good as possible and fit in the mix