Why are people so stupid????


Thank you for noticing.
Dec 18, 2006
New york, USA
(From the Facebook group I troll):

NWO IS NOT OK: Encoraging Research - Did you know Akon is the one who signed Lady Gaga?

(We all know how satanic Lady Gaga is, so why not try and find out Akon's faith? Do your research.) Then they posted some dumb link.

Three shit comments:

"Gaga is satanic whether she realizes this or not, she is in the occult philosophies, the gnostic teachings of Luciferianism...Promoting Masonic language/symbology."

"Kitty... gaga is just another small part of the equation... have you seen her videos?? if you have kids... would you let them watch her videos??? she is promoting a Slut culture, plus there are goat head (baphomet) images in alot of her vids! ...and the constant covering or her eye is a blatant reference to the 'all seeing eye' of the luciferian ... See Moreilluminati!!
It is subliminal mind control music...
...and it is a stark covert plan so massive and monsterous that it is hard for the average person to grasp!!
But it IS real, It IS Big... and It IS BAD!!
Now that is not to say she knows what she is doing, after all most of these 'industry artists' are given a huge cheque, then told what to wear, what to sing, where to stand, what moves to do, how to eat, sleep and shit!! ...but either way, she is just another puppet for means...
I reference her in my song, which i will shamelessly plug here... Weaving Spiders... "

"@Kitty Phamous "lady gaga satanic? /unsub..."
You should watch this video series to see how the music industry really works. Watch the whole thing, and don't be put off by first appearances, it's not a boring church sermon, it's more of a well researched doco. It's quite shocking to see how perverted the industry is.
Also, there is only one real god in this universe, that is the creator of the universe, Jesus Christ. There's also only one force of evil in this world, Satan. So if Lady Gaga doesn't worship Jesus, then who does she worship? Satan? As Bob Dylan once said:
"Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody".
There's no such thing as sitting on the fence on this issue."

tl;dr: read it douchbag. you have nothing better to do.

Edited out the links, i don't want to watch them. Nor do you.

Hey guys, here's a totally unrelated picture that isn't very funny!


sorry but it really is too long.
That alejandro video is pretty cool, but she looks like she was in a chemical fire, and has dirty underwear. Then she turns into an audience member from Oprah :/

The rest was sweet, post-apocalyptic sci-fi/totalitarian settings are badass.



This video has nothing to do with the music. (by that I dont mean the lyrics). It's just an average pop-dance song that sounds very 90's and the video is kinda "controversial" for nothing.