OK, they can shut down the internet now.

god help any young dudes watching this shit as their introduction to recording and buying into it...

it would be best for me to never ever run into this guy anywhere cuz i wouldn't be able to help but fuck with him...

I"d start talking to him the way he talks and agree with him on everything...
and get in an uproar with him about how pro tools sounds "fat as a plancake" and how expensive "Nev's" (sic) are.

Oh yeah.. he'd think he had met his number one disciple...
i'd tell him how i had to fly and drive to 37 states and buy over 174 behringers to find 2 that work... but how now my studio is awesome, cuz i got me two working behringers...and how they are cleaner than "nevs"and "appies" (API's).

if this guy is joking... he's a genius.
amazing tips! "who has that sort of money to spend on SSL or NEV" who the hell is NEV! hahahah funny guy!
Whoa... I swear just watching those videos made me stupider...

Now I gotta get some "Newman" mics and some "boom" mics. Because apparently, I might need them for some reason. Perhaps to ward off born-again crackheads?
Anyone else thinking his last DXM trip was one too many? Seriously, the dude reminds me a lot of some of the EYE-HAVE-USEDZ-EVERYTHING-ON-TEH-MARKIT-FOR-FIFTENE-YAERS dudes I have the misfortune to know.

Shit, I made the mistake of watching the video about his PC. "It's got a two point eight gigabit... uh... uhh... I mean... uuhhh... Megahertz... uh... Processor. Hmmmhhh."
oh god... his "About Me" section.... i can't take it.... it's all too much.... lol... i think that myspace site has just short circuited my brain.

btw, is it just me, or does he look in his videos like he's squirreling away some nuts and acorns in his cheeks?
booom...booom... me needs more BOOOM!!!111 me now wants be produzer ant pley in metall heavy bant warr ior...


Now I'm finally feeling comfortable with my Behringer cab, knowing to be the enlightened elite.

thank you. that was awesome. The videos were funny enough, but the myspace just went more over the top than a sweet arm wrestling film.
(even though we all should feel a little bad for laughing at a ret...uh "special" person.)

So who on the board wants to do a collaboration cover of Wal-Mart girl with me???????

He IS Mutt Lange.