Recent content by Defiler

  1. D

    Prey For Nothing new video

    Official video of Israeli Prey For Nothing. for the fans of late Death, Arsis, Carcass and Arch Enemy (swift and technical death / thrash with tons of melody) What do you guys think ?
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    If you want a great cover album or artwork

    I must recommand you on an Israeli uprising artist, Eliran "Blizzard" Kantor, The man is fucking genius ! He did the latest work on the Israeli melodic-death-metal Solitary with their debut "Trail of Omission" and did alot of good artwork, even on instant ! The man is a walking...
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    Future gigs...

    When Fury will tour world wide- and will reach the shores of Israel - tell me please half a year before - the sells will jump to the roof with the CD's busnise and a 1500 people gig is promised - in the same place where Ancient Rites and At The Gates preformed couple of years ago...only local...
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    new Death.Thrash metal band- HATRED DIVINE!!!

    EMBLAZE RULZ ! It's like having "The haunted" and "Kreator" in the same band ! Download their self-titled song, in it's live version - skip the hebrew intro and bang your head till it falls to the floor from exhausting troublness... Can't wait to see them live again and get the album...
  5. D

    Name Your Favorite Testament album cover

    Low has a great and impressive artwork But my favorite is Practice what you preach... Talking about silent screams... What do those golems represent anyway ?
  6. D

    Cover Songs

    Probably Sepultura...
  7. D

    What's the worst style of Metal

    Black metal... What's the point of hailing Satan ? Black metal comes from the place which says : "Hey, religions sucks ! Lets turn to the other side and wait for our own most evil salvation, invent some scary names and say their written in a very ancient cooking book." But instead of...
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    Hey dudes !

    I'm Yotam from Israel, I'm serving in the IDF as a speech writer and also a vocalist in a thrash-death metal local band. I first met "Fury" in MEGADED and later on with their blaster version of Testament's DOG FACED GODS... My favorite metal band is Testament, and Low and The Gathering are...
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    A Must

    I was in Etrnal gray show few weeks ago. They combine the power of Morbid Angel with the Musicanship A-la James Murphy... Mostly recomnded... The songs I liked the most are "Inflicting pain" and "The unbelivers die"... I think they can be downloaded from the offical site... But if we are...