Recent content by DerekB

  1. DerekB

    Best Rush album post-Moving Pictures?

    Pandora's Box, indeed! I'll take Signals (Digital Man=Geddy's best recorded "Ric" tone ever, imho) & Counterparts as my faves, with VT and S&A as my least.
  2. DerekB

    Thank You Everyone

    Just wanted to chime in & say I had a blast.. I heard lots of great bands, and met lots of great people. Thanks! Derek
  3. DerekB

    Roll Call!

    I'll be there. Greatly looking forward to meeting a bunch of my bass playing brothers!
  4. DerekB


    I'll be there! Time for a vacation, ya know?
  5. DerekB


    Dig the new tune, bro.. Nice work!
  6. DerekB

    This just in! Soundclip from the new RUSH single!

    yep... about 12 seconds worth, and I already like it better than Vapor Trails. BRING IT ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!:notworthy :rock: :Smokin: :notworthy
  7. DerekB

    Thought Chamber (featuring Ted) world premiere!

    Thanks.. We're glad your'e digging it. Main dish? Not until PSR on the 20th! (only 6 short days away...)
  8. DerekB

    Congrats to Ed on His Conklin Endorsement!

    I doubt if you'll have any luck.. I tried for 2 or 3 NAMM shows in a row to get him to build me a 6 string X-Factor, but I couldn't talk him into it.:cry:
  9. DerekB

    Congrats to Ed on His Conklin Endorsement!

    Thanks a ton, man.. Part of me would love to be humble and say "aww, it was nothing", but the truth of it is that it was a ton of hard work in both the writing of the parts *and* the execution...(thank the PTB for ProTools and punching-in!). I've done a lot of crazy playing with Haji's Kitchen...
  10. DerekB

    Congrats to Ed on His Conklin Endorsement!

    Congrats, Ed. That's a fine lookin bass you've got there... Have fun with all those extra notes! Derek
  11. DerekB

    Thought Chamber (featuring Ted) world premiere!

    yes.. while (obviously) under construction, the myspace page is up. Link is in my sig.. Enjoy! (BTW.. Mike means Tuesday the 20th, not Tuesday the 13th) :rock:
  12. DerekB

    Bx3, The G3 for Bassists, on Tour!

    I saw the show in Dallas the other night. All 3 guys were absolutely stellar. Well worth the price of admission.(and parking.. and drinks..)
  13. DerekB

    Best of 2006

    Opeth's "Ghost Reveries". (hey.. I can count it. It was re-released a few months back as a special edition!)
  14. DerekB

    Ted's sideproject?

    This indeed looks to be correct. The label is moving forward at all possible speed to get this done, even though we haven't signed the contract yet.:notworthy As soon as everyone agrees on the details and the ink is dry, we'll be firing up a myspace page super-fast so y'all can get an...
  15. DerekB


    Yea, there's finally a Somsara disc out now with both Rob & I playing on it. It's called "Chaos & Soul" and should be available on in the very near future. No Haji news to report.