Recent content by felipesaldes

  1. felipesaldes

    My short cover for Awakenings XD

    Hi... hmmm... last night I felt alone, really really alone and... I remembered this song so, I decided to make a cover and... I liked it a lot... it raised my mood c: I feel this song really depressive, a man who is facing himself and life too... and it goes from softer to harder. At the end...
  2. felipesaldes

    video: solo for my song

    Sorry, I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to be any harsh. It would be better if someone of you told me why, in what exact point, I'm being harsh and wrong.
  3. felipesaldes

    video: solo for my song

    First, I found the solo pretty boring, it lacks some improvisation experience. Second, there are too many fast notes that can't be heard one by one, so it sounds very dirt. I can't tell if it's your playing or the sound quality. Third, your vibratos are very poor, so the solo sounds like it...
  4. felipesaldes


    To me, Frontiers it's an incredible-too-impressive song, but it doesn't fit The Odyssey album style, more agressive and dark. I think that's why they didn't put it into.
  5. felipesaldes

    Favourite song from "Iconoclast"

    Aren't you tired of hearing Russell singing excessively rough with a trashy rhytm and a badass riff all the time? Well, I like that, but it becomes repetitive and boring when it's present in so many songs... It seems many of you feel the same as me, as the two most rated songs, Iconoclast and...
  6. felipesaldes

    Symphony X in South America

    It's not like that, I'm don't feel that bad nor I'm talking because I want to complain about anything, it's just a well-founded opinion. And Detective, thanks a lot, that answer couldn't be better!!!!!!
  7. felipesaldes

    Big 'plop' in Domination PL

    Yes I feel sure about it every time I listen to the song.
  8. felipesaldes

    Symphony X in South America

    I love this band but some of their latest works have lost originality, inspiration, hard work and passion, in my opinion. So does anyone know the setlist that they'll be doing in South America, or in Chile if possible? Second and less important, are they doing the song "The Odyssey"? (I heard...
  9. felipesaldes

    Big 'plop' in Domination PL

    Sorry to say this, but who cares about this awful song? Let's see, why? First, the intro: Great bass, then... good thrash drums, then a new drum pattern enters from nowhere, ruining all the immersion with a too power metal sound... then starts a good riff but in no way connected with the power...
  10. felipesaldes

    SX tribute in Mexico

    Me da pena escuchar eso, que alguien tome una decisión así, de dejar de dedicarse a una actividad tan llena de pasión como ésa es lamentable.
  11. felipesaldes

    SX tribute in Mexico

    The same with Evolution and Fallen. Ese cantante es demasiado desafinado, no lo puedo aguantar.
  12. felipesaldes

    SX tribute in Mexico

    I was listening to Inferno, the intro, very good, but when the singer started, I couldn't keep on listening, he sings horrible!!!!!!! Everything was perfect until he started.
  13. felipesaldes

    Symphony X by choir

    OK, I just figured out that this thread is from a long time ago...
  14. felipesaldes

    Symphony X by choir

    Where the hell is the download link???????????????????????? When I click on the link a webpage opens with a language that I don't understand!!!! I want to listen to the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. felipesaldes

    Eve of Seduction, what a horrible song - Analysis

    By "dissecting" music, I would call it listen and think about every little section, how it sounds, where does it lead to, what can be created next to it, do I have to repeat it or not, how many times do I have to repeat it, etc., the musician creates its ART. I tell you because I have done so...