Recent content by GeddyMyung

  1. GeddyMyung

    Windows 7 Sounds vs The Prophecy

    ...and NO, I do not have perfect pitch and I have not done the two seconds of research necessary to determine whether they are even in the same key.
  2. GeddyMyung

    Windows 7 Sounds vs The Prophecy

    I just had to mention that every time I have logged onto my new work computer (for over a year now), I immediately start singing in my head: "When there's no love No hate in this world......" Apparently my system is not setup using the default Windows sounds, so if you have no idea what I'm...
  3. GeddyMyung

    Attn: Atlanta area Musicians!

    Kelly Cox, the drummer for A Thousand Shields recently won the Guitar Center Drum Off in Greensboro, NC. He will be competing in the District Finals at Guitar Center - Atlanta tomorrow evening (Tuesday). The solos are slated to start at 7pm, so come out and support all the great up and coming...
  4. GeddyMyung

    Nice review of A Thousand Shields 'Portrait'

    FYI, Jeremy will have several copies of this CD on sale at the Heaven and Hell Records booth at PP USA! It is also available on his distribution website and also Jeremy also has Blacksmith stopping by the...
  5. GeddyMyung

    Nice review of A Thousand Shields 'Portrait'

    Thanks to Justin Gaines for the review! I know I'm slightly biased, but I think these tunes deserve some attention. Darren
  6. GeddyMyung

    Has anyone seen this? It is pretty funny

    I was just quoting the trailer...thought it was funny. Don't worry, I myself am in a Christian Prog Metal band, but I like to think I have a sense of humor. Darren
  7. GeddyMyung

    Has anyone seen this? It is pretty funny

    "Christian Metal?...Isn't that kinda like being a Jewish Nazi?"
  8. GeddyMyung

    Rush Greensboro show this weekend date change....

    I discovered this last night as well. Now I cannot go because I have a gig Saturday night! I can't imagine it's Rush's fault but I have no problem imagining the Greensboro Coliseum is somehow responsible! That whole city is screwed up. It was interesting seeing them discuss it on local news...
  9. GeddyMyung

    A Thousand Shields

    Shameless plug...I play bass in this band...feel free to critique. A few of you saw us open for Sonata Arctica @ Volume 11 in Raleigh last May. We have since completed and released our CD "Portrait."
  10. GeddyMyung

    Top Bass Vocalists?

    This is purely a joke and I admittedly had to look up the guys name (taking some of the cleverness out of the humor), but what about Brad Roberts from Crash Test Dummies? :dopey:
  11. GeddyMyung

    James LaBrie Tour Cancelled

    As Jeremy pointed out, he just got us (A Thousand Shields) confirmed to open that show, so we were most disappointed. It was the best news and the worst news our band could receive within a few ours of each other. I'm just glad we heard the news before I submitted the order for the Napalm...
  12. GeddyMyung

    Van Canto I would love to see them at PP

    I liked it much more than I would have thought had someone tried to describe it to me first. However, for the rest of the day, I'm going to hear in my head that one guy that sounds like he's going "gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble...." during the fast part!
  13. GeddyMyung

    Roll Call: Sonata Arctica @ Volume 11 (Raleigh, NC)

    Who is coming? This show is especially important to me and not only as a fan this time. I am the bass player for A Thousand Shields and we have been given the opportunity to provide 'local support' for the show this Saturday. We will be the lone prog band attempting to warm up a crowd waiting...
  14. GeddyMyung

    Roll Call: Sonata Arctica @ Volume 11 (Raleigh, NC)

    Sorry...posted twice...slow computer today
  15. GeddyMyung

    60s/70s cover songs?

    Freak Guitar - Detroit Rock City