Recent content by HaTikva

  1. H

    Kobi's tattoos

    Can anyone tell me the font used for Kobi's tattoo in English (but written in a very special font) he has on his left bottom arm? He has a Hebrew tattoo on the inner side of the arm, and on the outer side a tattoo in English which uses a quite rare but very beautiful font. Can someone tell me...
  2. H


    ? אתן לוֹמד׳ם ע׳בר׳ת אחשׁב I completed one year now, but most efford goes to the alphabet the first half year. Or shall I say alphabets, because the hand written...
  3. H

    Tongeren 22/9 : anyone carpooling from Brussels or surroundings?

    Hi, I am attending the show of Orphaned Land in Lille on Saturday :rock: I am quite tempted to also see the Tongeren (BE) show the next day though. The problem is : it is a Sunday night and then none of my family and friends can drive me (I don't drive myself and my friends and family have...
  4. H

    Communist/Socialist bands (metal or non-metal)?

    As a leftist myself, I've always enjoyed lyrics with a political angle, well at least if it's left wing :) Manic Street Preachers and Rage Against The Machine to name just two famous examples have some great songs that display a deeply rooted leftist belief in the lyrics. I find it however hard...
  5. H

    Favourite Albums

    Mezarkabul changed singer again? Or is it the same guy who was with the band 5 years ago already (which already was not the initial singer)? I saw Mezarkabul's 20th anniversary gig on the shores of the Bosphorus, the stage right next to the sea, the Bosphorus bridge idyllicaly lit on the...
  6. H

    Off to Israel... but how??

    This indeed was the thought behind Theodore Herzl's dream of a jewish homeland safe from antisemitism. And really, perfectly understandable. As frustrating as it is to see a job rejected because you're not jewish and cannot make Aliyah, I cannot really blame them. If the rest of the world...
  7. H

    Off to Israel... but how??

    I have been diagnosed within the autism spectrum. To be sure I asked a second opinion to one of the biggest specialists in Europe, who confirmed the diagnosis was right. I am autistic, honestly. Online chatting is however for many autistics an important social outlet, because online things like...
  8. H

    Monuments Of Your Country

    Yeah, tell me about it. In 1 week we will officially have broken the world record of longest government formation... Unless some miracle happens and Belgium gets a government within the next week. Chances of that happening are smaller than chances of a UFO landing in your back yard. It makes me...
  9. H

    A PERFECT CIRCLE To Guest On Last Call With Carson Daly

    I really hope this reunion will be somewhat permanent. While enjoying Tool, I always found APC superior to Tool. Probably most will disagree with me, but anyways. The ethereal thing about Mer de Noms was of such beauty... When listening to Tool, I like it but The God Machine in my opinion were...
  10. H

    Off to Israel... but how??

    I am not sure if there are other people here who not only love Orphaned Land but also the land they come from? (probably yes) I have been wanting to settle for several years in Israel for several years now and have been actively jobhunting in Israel. Three times I came close to receiving an...
  11. H

    It feels so wierd not having a *like* button here.

    No you're not outdated, you're just being more clever than the majority of people. I wish I never signed up, I got bored of FB so rapidly... I haven't used my account in ages and don't plan to re-use it. I just wait to find out how to permanently delete it as opposed to make it dormant. A friend...
  12. H

    Happy Married Life, Matti!

    So no snapshots? Matti's a lucky git... Israeli women tend to be very beautiful, I'm not sure if it's their eyes or their face but somehow there is something about the Middle Eastern look that I tend to fall for. As I experienced in Turkey as well... Congrats to Matti and his wife!! A...
  13. H

    Favourite Albums

    Aha, someone else that knows the Agonist! While I prefer clean vocals rather than growls (so musically it isn't my prefered style of metal) ... am I the only one who thinks Alissa (the vocalist) is drop dead gorgeous? She has a beautiful face, and I love her hairstyle in her videos! One of...
  14. H

    Monuments Of Your Country

    While a native of Belgium, since 1.5 years I am living in Spain, although some locals would insist to say I live in Catalonia :) Here are some photos: The most famous of all streets in Barcelona: the Ramblas, connecting the Placa Catalunya to the port and waterfront: Many houses in the...
  15. H

    Monuments Of Your Country

    I have been to both Utrecht and Aarhus. Nice memories :) Utrecht is my favourite Dutch city. I am not too fond of Amsterdam, a bit too hedonistic for my liking. I don't get why all tourists go there for days when a short drive away there are much nicer canals, old buildings and without the drugs...