Recent content by HemlockForTheGods

  1. HemlockForTheGods

    Infinite Of Sound this is an awesome group called Infinite Of Sound... its sounds like Jazz with traditional Korean instruments... just phenominal make sme want to buy a Haegeum!
  2. HemlockForTheGods

    While driving by a church today

    Thats agamemnon!
  3. HemlockForTheGods

    metal fans prone to mental illness HAH

    dont show this too my mom, she'll take my albums away "but mom i'm 23!"
  4. HemlockForTheGods

    While driving by a church today

    Indeed, but I can't say the same for that wing-ed collar of yours... my god
  5. HemlockForTheGods


    man I'd love to play in Dubai - I'd love just to see it! It certainly looks like a grand place!
  6. HemlockForTheGods

    While driving by a church today

    no shit, i think he did that on purpose noob
  7. HemlockForTheGods

    first jam photographs!!

    5 songs done in 3 days... we are kicking the albums ass big time
  8. HemlockForTheGods

    DG hath arriveth!

    thank god for the q-ray. without it, none of this would have happened [/sarcasm]
  9. HemlockForTheGods


    please make a very deth-klok entrance when you enter the city... you know... wheels on fire and everything dying in your wake
  10. HemlockForTheGods

    Multitracking Rhythm guitar

    up until now i've only tracked 2 layers of rhythm guitar in my demo recordings, hard panned 100% L / 100% R. Recently I read an article saying you can get a really chunky sound by recording up to 6 layers and panning them out evenly across the board. anyone have experience with this?
  11. HemlockForTheGods

    Band recommendation

    A Swiss band! I second this. I just ordered their album 'Antares'... downloaded it previously and i must say it is a masterpiece from front to back. definitely check these guys out...
  12. HemlockForTheGods

    interesting read - problem with music industry

    See my main problem with the article is that it's wayyyy too long and I don't have the attention spa---- hey look, an albatross!
  13. HemlockForTheGods

    musical guilty pleasures?

    Deloused In The Comatorium was pretty damn good.. love the atmosphere this band creates. My guilty pleasures are... Dr. Dre Sarah Brightman Aphex Twin Shiva In Exile
  14. HemlockForTheGods


  15. HemlockForTheGods


    yeah it really was an awesome night